The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

39 posts Page 1 of 3
Who's in today?
I'm doing a half fast as have a dinner out tonight at a Thai restaurant.
Good luck to everyone :)
Lil :heart:
Noone else in? I thought Wednesday was a popular day!
6 hours until food for me..
Lil :heart:
OK, half fast for me too, although it may be hard as I am cold and miserable. It has been raining continuously for three days and I'm going stir crazy at home; the gutters are overflowing, the watertank has fallen apart with the weight of water and the garden looks like rapids, I may get the kayak out soon. Not a good day for it, but I shall see how I go! :cry:
Got through the 3pm test.. on hump day too.. Day 2 of my first week... So grumpy! :starving: Bootcamp tonight followed by Yoga so I hope I'm able to stick to it tonight before bedtime
I caved and had an apple but I was really hungry lol.
I don't really mind though it's not one of my proper fasts, I just get annoyed with myself that I can't go a few hours without eating!
Lil :heart:
Could you tell me what is half fast?
It's a term I use to make me feel a bit better when I know I am going to stuff my face later on in the day. Haha.
It's just fasting all day in order to save the daily calories (TDEE) for an occasion where you can't 'go easy'. I want to be able to enjoy my meal out this evening and will still stay in my TDEE if I don't overdo it. But if I also ate lunch for example, I would go over my allowance.
I still fast twice a week but this just makes me feel better on a feast day occasionally.
Lil :heart:
I am fasting today and whilst it's not a half fast ;-) it's an experimental fast. I plan to try 700-800 cals today for maintenance. Just experimenting really. Have had veg soup, 2 coffees a micro protein bar so far, will have an 8 cal hot choc when i get home...that'll be about 220...leaving me plenty for dinner. I'll report back after weighing.
I am fasting today and whilst it's not a half fast ;-) it's an experimental fast. I plan to try 700-800 cals today for maintenance. Just experimenting really. Have had veg soup, 2 coffees a micro protein bar so far, will have an 8 cal hot choc when i get home...that'll be about 220...leaving me plenty for dinner. I'll report back after weighing.
I am in. I am about halfway through the day and it feels like a normal fast day so far. In other words, I'm starting to feel a bit peckish. I will have a miso soup in a bit and that will last until dinner. Fasting really feels so routine for me now.
Me too, I'm on a light food day today.

I decided to eat some berries, and smidgin of yoghurt for breakfast, to be immunity conscious. (I've just had a yellow fever shot for travel ahead this year.)
And I went for a swim today so I've had a salsa salad. So I may have had my ration already...
So note to self: remember how pleasant the meal out was yesterday, how yummy the food will be tomorrow, and how well all you fast folk are doing with the light feeding way. :smile:
I'm in today! :-) Just ate a small breakfast, and now 12 hours until food.
Yes me. I'm trying an ADF week. Comes round too fast for my liking, but hey ho.
I'm in today too... I know what you mean rawkaren... it's a "didn't I just fast? fast day." But I'm in! And happy to be in such great company.

Not eating until dinner (which took me like 3-4 months to be able to do, it wasn't instant this fasting for hours thing for me). Now it's just a normal thing... also I don't get grumpy anymore... it's sort of nice to 1. be able to fast all day, and 2. not get grumpy doing it.

:clover: everyone!
I'm in. Just spent 4 hours at the hairdresser!!! And now off for painful - not fun, session at the beautician- getting ready for my holiday this Saturday. Filling in the day nicely. Not feeling hungry just empty. Looking forward to dinner - I think its called a grilled cheeseburger wrap on the skinnymomskitchen website. Under 300 cals and really yummy. Xxx :clover:
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