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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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:starving: I m on day 2 of consecutive fasts, wasn't planned that way, just failed Monday so did tues and as it went well I continued today, but worrying now im out of sync with my routine, as my next fast day is usually tomorrow.
My weigh in day is today and i know I can't do 3 in a row (would just lead to bingeing) but I am 2 lb up on last weeks weight after 5days away!

so what would you do eat a bit more today and just have a low calorie day then get back to routine fast tomorrow or continue with the fast and move my next fast day to Friday :confused:
I'd keep with your fast day today, and just do your next one when it suits you.
Lots of people, like me, swap their days on a regularly without it affecting weight loss.
I think you've lasted all day till now, so just have your normal 500 cals.
I don't know that 3 fast days in a row would be too much, and might put you off.
Good luck.
Thanks, Yes that's what I'm gonna do, shame to overeat now and waste a good fast day if its going well.
Think I'll do Friday instead of tomorrow . Off to eat my 500 cals guilt free now.
Good luck this evening fasters!
Made it!

My toughest Fast day, tired cold and I have a cold, but I made it through. Today I will go slightly over my 500 cals because I need my Hot Chocolate (low cal) at bedtime.
Weigh in tororrow, so fingers crossed :wink:
Fasting today - this is no 6 and my third week. So far this has been the easiest although haven't done any exercise today and that probably made it easier... :smile:

Today started with 2 scrambled eggs, 30g cheese, a squirt of tomato ketchup

Then 200g strawberries, 75g raspberries and a squirt of cream 12.5g
for lunch

For tea, 37.5g mackerel fillet and a mixed salad.

Pleased with that
I'm done eating for today. This is my 6th and the hardest fast for me, so far. I was starving around lunchtime so I ate a little earlier than expected. Now I finished dinner and I'm still hungry. I think it will be an early night for me tonight so I don't sit up thinking about food!
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