The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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I'm fasting today as well. Day 3 for me. Curiously I wasn't sure if I would today or not....just wasn't feeling strong enough this morning, but I've just got on with it and found it the easiest day so far. I have my 1st official weig in tomorrow as started last Saturday. Also looking forward to seeing if there is a difference in measurements already. Fingers crossed!
I was so ready for my haddock and stir fry with a crunchy apple to follow. Food tastes so good when there's just the one calorie-counted meal at the end of the day. Just the evening to get through, sipping water will get me there. Well done everyone :0)
So far so good for me.
I had broccoli with chinese spice, soy sauce and liquid smoke for dinner and a small bowl of the sugar-free jelly with a strawberry.
I'm at 360 calories so far. Plenty left for a snack, or some soup, or nothing...
Evening all.

Two crisp breads with hummous for lunch and beef curry on spinach for tea, very happy now.

Physio sorted me out so can now turn my head, which is a help.
Great news! A turning head is useful!!! ;-)
I have had a great day - decided on a different approach (usually have 3 meals + snacks per day) and just had 3 meals today. I do eat strange things, but my body seems to like it eg slice of ham for breakfast, pitta with hummus, lettuce and tomato for lunch and broccoli with grated cheese for dinner! My husband ate weetabix for breakfast, same as me for lunch but a bigger portion and home made chicken meatballs, broccoli, broad beans and potato in a tomato sauce and he didn't even comment on my meal choices!
Broccoli is popular today! :-)
Fasting today. My usual Monday & Thursday fasts got shifted because I was with my daughter out of town and at home. I wanted to be able to eat cool stuff and drink wine when I wanted to. My weight went up about a .5 lb. So, I'm looking at a fast today, Sunday, Tuesday and probably Thursday or Friday next week to get back on track.

This morning I had 1 egg + 1 white, 1/4 oz. cheddar, 1/4c. green beans chopped, about 2T green chile salsa cooked in a covered bowl in the microwave in 30 second increments. It is probably about 175cal. and is tasty, fast and easy to clean up. A few hours later, I'm hungry, but I know it won't kill me. Coffee, fizzy water and sugarfree gum will keep me until an early dinner of a huge spinach salad & shrimp, probably.
Phew, made it!! :wink:
Just drinks during the day, then dinner of prawn stir fry with plenty chilli & ginger. The spiciness really seems to help. Then a bowl of raspberries with a dribble (really, hardly a dribble!) of cream, followed by three squares of Green & Blacks choc. Drool! Suddenly the day seems easy! Hehe...
Hi, I had estimated my fast breakfast calories at 170, but when I went on myfitnesspal it came out to 130. Yay! More for later! :victory: :dazed: One thing that surprised me was that the sodium for the green chile salsa (2T) was 370mg. Wow! It sure is insidious!
I had not planned on fasting today, it's after 3 pm here in the US and I have not had lunch yet so this will be fast #21. I’m looking forward to an early light dinner and a relaxing evening.
I'm on my 2nd week of this diet. I have been fasting Mon & Fri at work.Doing this at home would be next to impossible as I don't have as many distractions.

This is what I've had so far:
Breakfast: 100 calorie yogurt & 1 walnut (20 cals): 120
Snack: Decaf coffee & soymilk: 50
Lunch: Arugula, hard boiled egg and red wine vinegar
and a smidge of OO with a few baby carrots: 130
Dinner: LOTS of Broccoli and a small serving of soup: 200 cals

I lost 4 lbs the 1st week and now my goal is 1 lb/week until the wedding!
Hmmm....only 6PM and I've used all of my calories for the day. Something tells me this is going to be a long evening/night. :cry:

Hope you've all had a good day!
I'm about to call it a day, 435 calories consumed.
i'm fasting today too, instead of yesterday. That's what I love about eating this way. My usual days to fast are Monday and Thursday, but I had an opportunity to attend a very nice event last night where I know there would be wonderful food. So I switched fasting to today.
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