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Fasting today?

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Fasting today? Fri 12th April
12 Apr 2013, 07:01
I had to give up yesterday's fast because we had guests, so here I am. Anyone with me? I'm out to a friends for coffee this morning, so I'm really hoping she hasn't baked! Fingers crossed...

Physio appt at lunchtime as crunched my neck attempting a forward roll. Couldn't do them aged 4, still can't...
Morning all
I'm fasting today after a bit of a dreadful greedy day yesterday. I am therefore looking forward to not worrying about what I can eat next.
I'm off work next week so not sure how that will go, still the experience will so me good I'm sure.
Here's to a great day everyone.
Yes today is a fast day for me and being about 10 hours ahead my day is nearly over. Fish is in the oven and about to get to the stir fry.

Good luck to all fasters - you can do it.
Morning everyone
Yes I am fasting today & this is my usual fast day with Monday. Just had my first cup of black coffee & I will eat this evening. I have to study today & my brain is already uncooperative! :frown:
Hope you all have a good day.
I have started the diet today and started in a fast day to get it out the way - hoping it won't be too bad!!
Welcome Claire, good to know that we're not alone! Good luck on your first day.
Isis, hope your brain gets into gear!
BBT, a forward roll? Whatever were you thinking?! My neck hurts at the very idea!
AJ, I even had cheesecake with cream yesterday. And wine! Now have a headache.
TheFrog, Looking forward to being at the same point as you!
Good luck peeps! :clover:
My 2nd fast of the week - normally Wednesday but had guests eating for two nights.
Had a late night and too much wine last night and got a real need for carbs today - any idea's how I get over this? Got left over french bread in the kitchen from the guests and it's calling my name - VERY loudly!!!!!
I'm with you too - I typically have my repair days as Monday and either Thursday or Friday depending on what is going on with work etc - this week my schedule makes it easier for today so here I am, nil by mouth (other than liquids) until evening meal. :cool:
Good Morning!

A fast day for me too. I'm doing 4:3 and this is my 3rd fast day of the week. I had a really rough time on Wednesday and am hoping today goes better. I don't hold out too much hope as I'm quite hungry already. I'm heading out in a few minutes for a grueling boot camp session. Hope everyone has a pleasant day!
linbak64 Get out the Hoover & start cleaning! Distraction & activity helps.
linbak64 wrote: My 2nd fast of the week - normally Wednesday but had guests eating for two nights.
Had a late night and too much wine last night and got a real need for carbs today - any idea's how I get over this? Got left over french bread in the kitchen from the guests and it's calling my name - VERY loudly!!!!!

Put it in the freezer. Environmental control is helpful.

Have ONE breadstick if you need a carb fix, which is mostly in your mind anyway, as I've discovered... :wink:
Good morning fellow fasters and what a rainy day it is too. Still the garden needs it and the farmers need those newly planted seeds to grow. Lemon and ginger tea to wake me up and plenty of things to keep me busy. The cat has just come in looking like a drowned rat. Oh joy!
Hi fellow fasters, I'm usually a Thursday faster but have had rels staying for three days so left it till today.
I am so tired- had a baby staying waking at 5.30am each morning so felt a bit half hearted about the fast but decided to give it a go!
I have made it now to 7pm and think I'll do it!
I usually fast till 6pm but today had a fresh vege juice to energise myself at 1pm when I was shopping, then half a glass of wine at 5pm, then a frozen meal at 6pm(256 cals)( I did have plenty of water and herb teas in between)
So not my usual healthy eating on fast day but still achieved under 500cals. I'll be off to bed by 9pm.
I have a big w/e coming with my hubby's birthday so I was determined to complete my fast today. :smile:
Hi everybody, I am fasting today, I haven't slept well the past two nights for some reason? I started the diet on Wednesday. i have just eaten a tomato and a few button mushrooms as a very low cal snack. Cuppa soup at lunchtime :o) Good luck to you all!
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