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Fasting today?

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I'm planning to do my first liquids only fast today. So far have had black coffee, water and fizzy water, going to having miso soup once I get home from work while OH and little un have their tea (about 18 calories).

I'm pretty aprehensive about it, so will just see how it goes, may have to eat something if I really don't feel I'm coping.

I've been having just one meal a day on fast days for quite a while, but think because of this I'm tempted to pick as soon as I get in from work, especially if tea is delayed for any reason. At least this makes the rules very strict. :starving:

Particularly worried about going to bed hungry & whether I will manage to sleep :sleepy:
Hi there, I'm 36hr fasting today. When I first started on zero calories I too was a bit apprehensive even though I had been doing 5:2 with 500 cals for quite a while. I found the first few times quite odd around dinner time when I had nothing, felt like my structure had gone to my day. I found after 8pm any thoughts of food had gone and I actually had no problem with sleep. Initially I told myself if I needed it I would continue to have my options hot choc before bed, I've never needed it. I think giving myself permission made it easier to stick with it. I have said all along if I need food I will have it, but again I haven't needed it. After 36hr liquid fasting for 6 weeks I have found my body has adjusted and fast days fly by without a thought of food despite cooking and feeding my partner and kids. Good luck today, but if you do eat it is no failure, just regular 5:2!
Do post if you need to, I've found it does help me. Good luck with your experiment
Today is my first liquid fast day. I am doing 4:3 and want at least one of those to be a liquid fast. So today will be me first. Will see how it goes.

I have had a cup of tea (with a dash of milk, I cant have it black) and plan on water only for the rest of the day. So far so good.
I am back doing my usual 36hr liquid fast on Mondays and Thursday.
Just got in from work; 18 hrs so far without any problems .I just have tea coffee with a little milk and water.
Last week I gave it a miss and did the standard 500 cal fast days. My partner is also doing the standard fast days. She usually works away during the week but last week she was working from home. So I decided to have the same as her. It didnt work for me :curse: I lost no weight over the week, weigh myself daily , weight went up and down but the trend was flat. Maybe we ate too much on non fast days. Anne lost weight but she has a lot more to lose than I have.
Anyway back to my normal routine, hopefully I can lose the few pounds to make my objective.
Good luck to all :smile:
My tips to those new to fast days; is to try and keep yourself very busy, drink plenty of liquid and try not to clock watch
I'm in today - not too bad, although usually I'm in the office on Momdays, so its odd to be doing this at home.

One white coffee today, otherwise just black tea and water. I've managed to cook for the children, and go shopping, which I would never have been able to do in the early days.

Ema_o - don't worry about sleep tonight. I get my best sleep after liquid fasts, I'm sure its because I'm a bit cold and tired, so bed is particularly inviting and comfy.

I ate out all weekend as I was away, and it was very fried/carby, so I don't feel I was that well nourished - I'll fix that on my feed days this week.
Quiet here today! How's it going everyone? I've finished feeding the kids and popped them to bed and now my partner is going to do bacon and egg bagel for himself! Damn him! I'm going to attempt to eat the smell! Oh well, to be honest I'm not really hungry, think my body switches off from food when I'm in the right mindset.
Shame to hear about the non weight loss above, but looking at your bmi you are going to find progress slow, annoying when you have someone else dropping the lbs, think my partner gets frustrated too as he's diabetic so can't fast although he doesn't have much to lose really either and can drop weight easily when he puts his mind to it.
Minumonline I read about the NEAT stuff you were doing and have been making a concerted effort to move more and complete tasks standing and I'm quite enjoying it. Thank you for posting about it.
Anyway, happy fasting everyone!
Well, so far I've managed to stick to just liquids, miso soup got me through tea time for little in, however OH is still to eat so there will be more temptation. Might have a cup of tea to get me through that.
Mariposa, I've also found the stuff about NEAT interesting, trying to do what I can to move a bit more :).

Not been as bad as I expected so far, I do feel hungry but I'm fairly determined to finish it having got this far. Am going to get a bagel out the freezer so I have something nice to look forwards to :).
I always have a bagel for breakfast after a fast day! You just can't beat them! Keep going, it's nearly done!
I am with you today, used to the liquid fasts now. This week I am combining it with 16/8 on my feed days and hope to see a decrease on the scales as I gained almost 1 kg last week :(
I've got a homemade sausage roll to eat on the train on the way in tomorrow :)
Am in for Tuesday, so have finished my eating and drinking for today. Looking forward to 36 liquid fast ( in January when I started 5:2 I would never have thought that I would write that!) Had a good loss last week and am hoping that with two 36 hour fasts and 16:8 on other days I will have another good week.
I failed today! I had to have my 500 calories. I was very hungry.

We had home made chicken fried rice last night for dinner, and I always find that I am hungrier more and earlier the next day for some reason.

Tomorrow night is Taco night however! So will eat dinner tomorrow night, then attempt again the 36 hour liquid fast.

I think i need to be more mindful of what my "last" meal is before the 36 hours.
You have completed the normal fast day Tony :like: so don't let it brother you. I find a one day break between fast days difficult, so have two if possible.
Hope its still going OK with everyone else; Just about to have a hot drink before bed.
I have never heard of NEAT, will read up about while drinking my tea.

I hope you all have a good night. On about a third of my fasting nights I wake up about 5 and can't get back to sleep again. I don't have any problems on normal nights
You didn't fail, you just did a regular 5:2.

I'm fasting today (Tues) instead of usual Mon because of a public holiday here. Hasn't helped that I woke up at 3:30am and haven't been able to get back to sleep.
I'm in today, such a busy day. We put a pergola in the garden at the weekend and this evening we were wheel barrowing the gravel. That and walking to work in the morning, home at lunch, back to work and home at tea time and an hour at pilates, I think I've done quite well on the exercise front. I'm just having a treat of Bottle Green Lime and Coconut cordial with sparkling water. Other than that it's been my usual herbal tea and tap water. Another successful liquid fast.

Anyone seen Suchard? I'm a bit concerned that she's not here today, hope she's ok.......and I haven't see redhead for ages.
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