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Fasting Windows

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8 Hour Diet
04 Mar 2013, 12:02
Hi everyone, I found a link to this book on another forum and wondered if anyone has read it?

It seems the time of day we eat might influence the way the body uses the food we eat as well as the quantity!
Re: 8 Hour Diet
04 Mar 2013, 14:11
Which also makes reference to a book by David Zinczenko on the same topic and as I mentioned on another post Dr Roy Walford who was the Guru of calorie restriction but who also practiced fasting failed to reach his 80th birthday having suffered from ill health for a few years prior to his passing so the science of fasting is not new and while beneficial is not the panacea to all that ails us. The time of day when fasting could be crucial is interesting yet in the study of mice, which are supposed to be nocturnal creatures, could this have any effect on the study's results?
Re: 8 Hour Diet
04 Mar 2013, 15:46
I've not read the book but it is an interesting concept. Fasting was, of course, a natural event thousands of years ago, and it's logical to think that the human body responds well to fasting in today's modern world. I was wondering if, given that early humans would have probably mostly eaten during daylight hours, that our bodies are also adapted towards that too.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
04 Mar 2013, 16:04
There have been a few studies on meal timings which have generated threads in the nerdy stuff section:


and I also found an article on the circadian rhythm with respect to thyroid function and IF: ... hyroidism/
which supports the benefits of the 8-hour eating window.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
04 Mar 2013, 19:31
I like the sound of the 8 hr diet, 16/8. I see it as being largely achievable if I get into the habit of missing breakfast. It may also mean no experiencing the 3 Cs (cold, cranky, constipated),better sleeping patterns and more energy when exercising as glycogen stores will always get the chance to be replenished (not the case when exercising on a 5:2 fast day). Also worth noting that weightloss isn't my primary concern.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
04 Mar 2013, 20:26
I was going to give it a go on holiday as I am happy to miss breakfast everyday in order to enjoy a good lunch, happy hour and dinner! If I can avoid putting on weight that way it will have been a good holiday!
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 01:16
Well, I've been looking for an 8 hour diet forum, but since I can't find any, I found this thread through a google search, and thought I'd log in.

I'm starting the 8 hour diet tomorrow. I have the book and for me, it's much more sustainable than 5:2. I don't like counting calories, not even for two days a week. I suppose that's from a lifetime of counting calories, still being fat and now having no patience for it at all.

The book is absolutely wonderful, if anyone's interested. It's titled The 8 Hour Diet by David Zinczenko. The paperback (less expensive) will be out in December, but I just couldn't wait and ordered the hardcopy from amazon. I'm glad I did, as I believe I've found a way of eating I can actually live with.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 05:38
Hello inthespirit and welcome
this could be very interesting, do let us know how you get on. :good luck:
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 12:56
It is interesting to read about other combinations of eating and fasting and I can see that the 8 hour diet is attractive in that you don't have to count calories. However, to be long term for me, I like the idea that I can join in social events whatever the time of day/night knowing that I can adjust my fasting days around them. It will be interesting to see in a month's time how your results compare to 5:2 fasters.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 13:16
Hi everyone,

I have been doing an 8 hour feeding window now for some time. I didn't set out to do it, it just sort of evolved. I was never a fan of breakfasts and when I first was doing 5:2 it was the easiest meal to skip. By the time I started maintenance I was well entrenched in the 16:8 way of life. My weight has never been more stable, I NEVER count calories, which for me is absolute bliss, and I can see me live like this indefinitely.

It is SO easy, just miss breakfast and don't nibble late in the evening, job done!

Caroline, go for it, it's what I shall do on holiday and I'm confident that I will not gain any weight, and neither should you, good luck,

Ballerina x
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 13:32
Thanks for the positive reply Ballerina,it is nice to have first hand experience of other systems of eating and it sounds a great idea for when we go on holiday because we enjoy going out for an evening meal and that means we're not hungry at breakfast the next day.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 13:33
Isn't this the same as Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat? Certainly the principle's the same and I downloaded the Eat Stop Eat ebook for free a few years ago, so am wondering what this new book has to offer that's any different which would make me want to buy it? However you you manage it: 5:2, 4:3, 6:1, 16/8, is intermittent fasting in one form or another and, by definition, calorie restriction. My difficulty is getting around having to take medication three times a day with food.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 13:44
I do it on many days, without realising it. I try to eat dinner around 8pm and since I work till late many times I don't wake up before noon so I'm eating between 1pm and 9pm.
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 14:09
Navwoman wrote: It is interesting to read about other combinations of eating and fasting ...

You might be interested by this, which I posted a few weeks ago...
Re: 8 Hour Diet
22 Apr 2013, 18:47
marlathome wrote: Isn't this the same as Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat? Certainly the principle's the same and I downloaded the Eat Stop Eat ebook for free a few years ago, so am wondering what this new book has to offer that's any different which would make me want to buy it? However you you manage it: 5:2, 4:3, 6:1, 16/8, is intermittent fasting in one form or another and, by definition, calorie restriction. My difficulty is getting around having to take medication three times a day with food.

I believe the Eat Stop Eat is a 5:2 diet in which you fast for 24 hours once or twice a week. One of our members, aamy, is doing it and that is what she does. In fact many of us are doing it but restricting our calories at the end of the 24 hours. I think the ESE is not necessarily aimed at losing weight.
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