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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Hullo everyone
14 Feb 2013, 08:28

Joined as hopefully having others around will help me keep on track. I started early in January (forget the exact date) and bar one day, have stuck to the diet and so far lost 7 pounds.

I've almost 4st to lose though - working full time and doing a masters degree meant around 65 hours a week last year sat at a desk and stressed and I put on a lot of weight. Will be worth losing it for my health though.

It's Tuesday and Thursday that are my low cal days and knowing that I can eat normally the rest of the week gets me through them.

So...good luck everyone.

Re: Hullo everyone
14 Feb 2013, 08:55
Hi Bella & welcome to the forums! Great to know that 5:2 has been working so well for you so far, I'm sure you'll shifting those stones before long :)
Re: Hullo everyone
14 Feb 2013, 11:08
Hi everyone

I started this 5:2 woe on Monday. My fast days will be Mon and Thurs (so today). I have 2 stone to lose. Monday went OK although find it tough when my tummy rumbles. Today will be my 2nd fast day and not too bad at the moment. Little worried I am drinking too much water though as I have already drunk a litre. I stupidly jumped on the scales this morning - and despite 1 fast day already - my weight was the same - 12 stone 12lb! Is this likely to even itself out?
Re: Hullo everyone
14 Feb 2013, 11:53
Hi twinkle

I don't think you are drinking too much water. It may be wise to have a little salt in the form of a salty drink later though as you can end up losing too much salt from your body if you drink a lot of water.

Unless you are going mad on feed days the weight will come off but the fat loss is often hidden by water retention etc for a while, so don't weigh until you have done 2 weeks of 5:2 (or preferably a month)!
Re: Hullo everyone
14 Feb 2013, 12:02
Welcome Twinkle

Don't think of it as 'woe' just think of it as being in control for 2 days! I just tell myself 'tomorrow' and it gets me through. I agree with Carorees not to weigh too often as weight does go up and down. Check your waist measurement as it shows there! I am also fasting today so Good Luck! :lol:
Re: Hullo everyone
14 Feb 2013, 12:45
Aw thanks for your replies. Carorees - that is good advice about the salt - never thought of that one! I did measure myself at the beginning so will just do this I think in the future. I am a serial weigher. Scales are in the bathroom and too tempting - like I am going to have miraculously 'released' 5lb over night!! Husband likes to keep on top of weight so also weighs himself and will not let me take them out of the bathroom. I tried to hide them from myself before - but found them again! Purdymadame - when I said woe - I meant 'way of eating' (rather than diet)lmao :-)
Re: Hullo everyone
15 Feb 2013, 08:34
Thanks for your replies guys, managed my Thursday fast hurrah!.

Mods: is there someway of having on your signature a running tally of fast days - if you know you've got to fill one in I think you'd be less likely to cheat?
Re: Hullo everyone
15 Feb 2013, 08:55
Mods: is there someway of having on your signature a running tally of fast days - if you know you've got to fill one in I think you'd be less likely to cheat?

No idea! Can you pm Moogie?
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