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Newbie - not losing weight
19 Feb 2013, 20:28
Hi all,
I've been following 5:2 for 3 weeks now and have seen no weight loss or loss of inches. I know it is early days yet but others seem to be losing weight from the word go. I am sticking rigorously to 500 cals on fast days (Tuesday & Friday) and eating normally on others. My only slight variation is that I am still eating 3 times on fast days - boiled egg for breakfast around 7am, tuna salad around midday and soup and yoghurt with blueberries around 6.30 plus lots of water with a squeeze of lime. I dropped about 0.3kg after my first day but then went back to my start weight and up 0.3kg on the following two weeks. I don't exercise but my TDEE is around 1500cals maintenance and 1200 for fat loss. Anyone else seen this?
Re: Newbie - not losing weight
19 Feb 2013, 21:13
Hi kathy and welcome! :)

Your TDEE is quite low at 1500kcals, so you need to eat 25% of this on a fast day which is 375kcal. Sorry!

Also, maybe check your calories on feast days for a week or so and make sure you are not going over the 1500kcal too much.

HTH :)
Re: Newbie - not losing weight
20 Feb 2013, 19:14
Thanks Jemima, for the information but not the bad news! I didn't realise that you had to modify the calories for your TDEE. I am not too worried about losing a lot of weight. Does anyone know if the other benefits would accrue if I ate more than 25%? 375 cals doesn't sound much.
I checked my normal diet over a couple of weeks a month or two ago - I'll have to dig out the figures again and compare them.
Re: Newbie - not losing weight
20 Feb 2013, 19:36
Hi there

An alternative is to add a semi fast day (a 4.5:2.5 regimen, if you will)! That would mean eat normally on 4 days (1500 cals), fast on two days at 500 cal (or less if you can manage it), keep to 750-800 cals on one day. That might drop the average intake just enough to start the weightloss. Or you could go 4:3 if you prefer.

Or if you exercise, your TDEE goes up and you should see a weight loss.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
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