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advice needed
25 Feb 2013, 12:30
hi there. i am a fifty year old grandma who wants to shed some weight and feel healthier all round. This will be my third week of fasting and i admit to being confused. The fasting is not a problem I am actually enjoying it. My problem is that my family tell me this will not work for me as I tend not to eat a great deal during the week as my husband works away so I don't cook in the week. I am also partially disabled with a back problem and need crutches to get about and have to use the wheelchair for any distance so exercise is a problem.
After the first two days fasting I had lost two pounds but put that back on over the weekend just eating normally - neither Ian or myself are big eaters.
The same thing happened this week - I lost for pounds from my original weight but back up to that again now!
What am I doing wrong or is it because I probably do not eat regular meals in the week? I really do want to improve my weight etc as according to the new omtron scales and the calculator on line I am overweight. Has anyone any advice please. Many thanks.
Re: advice needed
25 Feb 2013, 14:21
I would stick with it despotsue! Maybe restrict yourself to weighing in only the day after a fast day (that's what I do) as there's less factors causing your weight to vary. Do you feel any slimmer? It's still very early days and your body may need time to adjust. I would take measurements as well, lots of people have reported not losing any weight a certain week but still losing an inch or two off their waist.
Re: advice needed
25 Feb 2013, 22:04
I believe that it is helpful to have a big difference in calorie intake between feast and fast days so on the fast day you should be eating a quarter of the calories of a normal day. What do you think your average daily intake is on your feed days? You need to have a quarter of this on fast days. I presume from your post that you eat plenty at weekends, so if you choose your fast days to be, say Monday and Friday you would have a big difference in calorie intake compared with the weekend.

I think you will see a slow decrease in weight but it may take a while because you are unable to move about much so that will slow things down. So I'd give it 6 weeks and then see if there is any change in your waist measurement or weight.
Re: advice needed
27 Feb 2013, 09:25
thanks for the advice, will take it on board and try your tips. Its good to get feedback. We dont eat big meals any day and even at the weekends when I do cook for my husband we only tend to have breakfast and an evening meal and breakfast is either cereal or toast so I dont think we over eat. I kept note of my intake over a few days and the average calories is around 1700 a day. Will give it another week or so then might be brave enough to take new measurements! Thanks again.
Re: advice needed
27 Feb 2013, 09:39
Not much advice to add despotsue - just to say good luck and keep at it. I bet you will see results, they might just take a bit longer to show up because of your mobility problems.
Re: advice needed
27 Feb 2013, 10:04
Hi Despotsue, have you checked your TDEE?
Re: advice needed
27 Feb 2013, 10:22
despotsue - good advice from Carorees, as always! Just to say good luck, give it a good go over a decent period of time. Wishing you well, hope it works out for you :)
Re: advice needed
01 Mar 2013, 14:02
Esmeralda wrote: Not much advice to add despotsue - just to say good luck and keep at it. I bet you will see results, they might just take a bit longer to show up because of your mobility problems.

Thanks for your reply and good wishes. Aim to keep going and judging by yesturdays new figures its looking ok I think! Not very good at all this technical stuff as I don't usually use the internet or laptop. My hubby thinks I am undergoing a personality transplant!
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