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Hi All,

just to say how much I've learnt from browsing the personal accounts here. It's great to see people sharing their stories - good and bad - about the 5:2 diet. I watched Michael's Horizon when it was originally broadcast and both my wife (mid-40s) and myself (early 50s) found it compelling at both the 'weight loss' and the 'long-term benefits' basis. We have both being following the 5:2 approach since then and both have lost weight as a result....

Anyway 'hi' to all and thanks for sharing... When I've found my way around a little better, I'll perhaps post something about my own experience based on 6 months of being a 5:2er :-)

Welcome John! Can't wait for you to share your experiences, what with being an old hand at all :-D Compared to me, you're an expert!
would love to know how you have got on since August and any advice/tips you can give....Ive only being doing it 4 weeks....
Oh soz...Welcome John !
Welcome John. Can't wait to hear your experience.
Thank you for the 'welcome' replies'. I've read accounts here from a few others who have been 5:2ing for several months already and I'm happy to share when I can find the time to stick a few thoughts together.

Having had my interest set off by Michael's Horizon (my wife has also followed his Twitter account since then which has thrown up lots of additional interesting bits and pieces), I have done some wider reading on the subject (and there are some excellent resources on this - and other - sites now appearing), what's interesting is that intermittent fasting obviously has a long history. While it has perhaps stayed under the mainstream media radar until now, there are folk out there who have been doing variations on the 5:2 for a lot longer than the six months I've been at it.... so I guess theirs is the real 'long-term' experience?

Still, one quick comment for those just getting started and it's nothing to do with weight loss or long-term health benefits and more to do with maintaining the 5:2 pattern... after six months, 5:2 now feels totally 'normal'. I've pretty much reached my target weight and, some weeks, will do a 6:1 rather than a 5:2. But what surprised me (at first anyway), was that I feel a bit guilty doing a 6:1 and, by the time I've had 6 days of eating normally, I am really ready for a fast day (yep - I kind of look forward to it) - and it's not just mentally - I feel like my body is looking forward to a bit of a breather as well.

I guess what this feels like is that my body as adjusted itself to this new pattern of eating and now sees it as normal. My weight is stable and I feel pretty good on it.... so the message for those just starting might be that, for some (and maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones) a 5:2 pattern can get to the point where it feels totally normal.... and just not a big deal to manage or maintain.

Not sure if that's encouraging or not? Hope so :-)

Thanks John..yes I think it is very encouraging because most of us are aware that if we don't including fasting as a permanent part of our lifestyle, we'll just end up overweight again. The fact that you find it no trouble to maintain is great!
Do you know what? I'm new to this but I understand ...... My body wants this.... I feel already quite sure that my body has been wanting these fast days, we just didn't have a way of expressing it!

I love eating, I guess we all do, but my body doesn't like it as I do. My body isn't happy & feels sluggish - the 2 fast days I have done have been a real 'present' :)
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