I'm Kate! I probably have a slightly different story to most of you. I have many food allergies and intolerances. Some of my allergies are bad and they are to things normal people take for granted like tomatoes and potatoes... (rare and weird I know!). I have had these issues for 11 years now (they came in my adult life) and after they were discovered my weight dropped from 12 stone 8lb or something like that to 10stone 7lb, no exercise no diet just luck. It stayed there now matter what I ate or did...
However, around 18 months ago all my allergies were retested and some had changed, luckily I thought at the time as some fruit and vegetable allergies had changed to where I could eat them and no react badly... a dream I thought... we never thought anything of it. I didn't eat too badly, though tended to have binge days a few times a month as I'm allergic to soya so chocolate use is restricted (hehe). My weight started to creep up over 18 months my weight went from 10 stone to 13 stone and half... I went to allergist (nothing new was found), nutrionalist (I wasn't over eating and my exercise level suggested i should lose or maintain)... tested for diabetes etc all negetative. At this point I was still running 10km a week and gaining weight... fat not muscle. The frustration grew, I gave up normal sugar and still the weight creept up.
After a few other doctors, one suggested I may have a fructose intolerance and all if true the weight may not drop on it's own so I would need to kick start the diet, then live on a altered fructose diet. This proved hard so I spent the end of last year and the beginning of this looking for a suitable diet (of course most encourage mass eating of salad, vegs, nuts) but I needed one I could adapt for life with allergies. A few weeks ago I stumbled onto this... life changing.
I haven't done my normal exercising yet with this diet as we are renovating and I don't have space until the end of this month, also I live in Finland and I don't like running on the snow and ice! I have already lost 10lb in 2 weeks without really doing anything. Though I still worry as we get married the end of June!
Fast days are quite difficult as I can't snack on nuts or seeds but I have to say I am coping pretty well! I found my own little tricks and I am starting to get used to when I should eat and when it's best to ignore it and drink instead.
This diet also have other draws for me as both my parent currently have cancer, so I want to completely try to change my lifestyle to see if I can avoid more ill health in the future!
PS I love talking and friends! =)