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Not losing any weight
07 Mar 2013, 13:47
HI - I am new to this forum and would like some advice.

I started the 5:2 diet a few weeks ago and initially lost 4lbs in the first week. I have not lost any more for about three weeks and wonder if this is normal at the beginning. I eat around 1500 calories on the days that I am not fasting and exercise around about 5 times a week. I feel better on the diet which is a bonus but am feeling a bit demoralised that the weight isn't shifting.

Any help/advice would be gratefully received.
Re: Not losing any weight
07 Mar 2013, 13:58
Welcome to the forum hollywood

Don't feel demoralized, this pattern of weight loss is really common. The average weight loss on 5:2 is about 1lb per week. At the start some people get really dramatic losses on the scales but this is mostly water. Over the subsequent weeks fat is lost but the water comes back so they balance each other out and you don't see a change. In fact 4lb in 1 month is on target. Give it at least another 2 weeks before even considering that you need to tweak the diet. Also have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1006

However, I would be surprised if your daily calorie requirements are as low as 1500 per day given that you are exercising 5 times a week. I know it sounds odd but it does seem that eating up to your normal daily calorie requirements on feed days gives a more rapid weight loss than trying to cut calories on feed days as well as the fast days. I am sure you will see a loss soon, but in the meantime, measure your waist and see if there is any change there. Because fat takes up more room than water, if you are indeed losing fat but gaining water you should see a decrease on the tape measure!

Good luck...
Re: Not losing any weight
07 Mar 2013, 16:01
Hi hollywood

I experienced pretty much the same thing when I first started this too. In my first week I dropped 4lbs, then, in weeks 2 and 3 I stayed the same. It was only this week (week 4), I actually lost again (1.5lbs) so the plan does work, just stay patient :)
I've not been calorie counting on my non-fast days though so I'm not sure if your 1500 calories has had an affect?

I've also just started to exercise this week too so I'm sure this will affect my next few weeks...

Good luck!

Re: Not losing any weight
07 Mar 2013, 16:31
Same here!! Big weight loss 1st week (6 lbs) then put on 1 lb, this week stayed the same! I have been fasting 3 times a week, going on holiday in 10 weeks and wanted maximum lossage? of weight. I agree I do feel better, my skin is a lot clearer too. Hopefully next week will see a loss as per the posts above.
Re: Not losing any weight
07 Mar 2013, 19:55
Thanks everyone. It was good to hear what I'm going through is normal. I will stick at it. If I don't lose any weight in the next few weeks I'll try tweaking my non-fasting food intake.
Re: Not losing any weight
08 Mar 2013, 12:43
I am in the same boat. I lost four pounds on my first week then stayed the same in week 2. Last week and this week (3+4) I actually put on a pound each week although bizarely my waist, hip and thigh measurements are the same. I feel so disheartened as I really felt this diet might be the solution to get me away from the daily grind of counting calories, weight watchers points, slimming world syns etc etc! My average daily calorie intake over a week is approximately 1500 (500 on fast days and between 1500 and 2200 on normal) and I exercise twice a week. I only have about half a stone to lose so I didnt expect to get a rapid weight loss but to put on is awful!! Do you think I need to cut the calories back even more on my normal days? I would really appreciate advise from the experts.
Re: Not losing any weight
08 Mar 2013, 15:15
HI SamDoma and welcome to the forums

Don't worry about your apparent lack of weight loss! Please read this: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1006 and this: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1925 As you can see, if you don't have much to lose you can only expect an average of less than 1lb per week. Because the scales vary so much due to all kinds of things other than fat loss, it is completely understandable that you might have put on weight (by which I mean weigh more not put on fat....a big difference). I am sure you have not put on any fat because your measurements have not increased, I expect it is just water.

I don't think you need to cut calories at all, just to wait a bit longer. If you are calorie restricting on normal days, don't! Just eat up to your TDEE and give things time. Try to avoid eating 'diet' foods as they are high in sugar usually which will stop your weight loss.

Give it another month and if you have not noticed a drop in your measurements ask again and we'll try hard to work out why!

Go for it!
Re: Not losing any weight
08 Mar 2013, 18:40
Thanks again. Hopefully we'll be reporting good stuff shortly x
Re: Not losing any weight
08 Mar 2013, 20:48
Hi Carorees. Thanks for the welcome and the good advice. I will stick with it and try not to drown my sorrows in wine and pizza! Hopefully I will be able to report a loss next week in either weight or inches. :-)
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