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5 posts Page 1 of 1
Hello everyone -
08 Mar 2013, 13:47
Hi All - have been doing this for 7 weeks now. Total loss 9lbs but like many of you seem to have slowed right down - no loss for 2 weeks but hopefully will see some improvements in the coming weeks. I fast Monday and Thursday and go to the gym on those days too. Can someone please tell me when you should weigh in? I have been doing Monday mornings but how do you know your 'correct' weight.
Re: Hello everyone -
08 Mar 2013, 15:04
Hi beachbodyneeded! and welcome to the forums

Well what is your true weight? There is no easy that with or without the food in your gut, the water being held onto during repair etc etc?! You could create a good argument for the day after a fast as at least there is not too much food in the system, but if you have been drinking a lot there might be more water. I actually think it doesn't really matter what your correct weight is, what matters is whether it is changing. To determine if it is changing, either weigh every day at the same time and use a program to calculate a weighted moving average (there are apps to do that) or weigh much less frequently perhaps every two weeks.

The scales are a very poor tool for measuring your fatness level and are affected by so many things. It is better to measure your waist (and other bits if you want).

I am weighing weekly after a fast but I know for a fact that my scales are very inaccurate (and also very imprecise as they are v old and can only weigh to the nearest 1kg!) but I don't care, I can see that the weight is coming off and I shall carry on with 5:2 until people say I am too thin (I can't actually believe that will ever happen though), if so I will try 6:1!
Re: Hello everyone -
08 Mar 2013, 15:15

Carorees gave some great responses. I'm not going to worry about it too much for a while. I'm down 9 pounds since Jan 8, so I'm pretty happy with that. There have been times I have gotten on the scale and it didn't look like I had lost anything (like this morning), but I'm not going to be disheartened. This is by far the easiest diet I have ever tried and so I plan to stick with it!
Re: Hello everyone -
08 Mar 2013, 18:43
Thanks everyone you just get a bit disillusioned and then hit the biscuit tin!! As my name indicates I need to look a lot better on the beach than I did last year!! Today is feast day - dinner here I come!
Re: Hello everyone -
08 Mar 2013, 20:29
LOL I hit the biscuit tin on feed day as well :-)
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