The FastDay Forum

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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Hi all.... I'm new and looking for help and clarification, please :)
First let me say I LOVE ALL YOU BRITS; especially your sense of humour!! Okay back to me.... I would like to know if Stevia (no calories, carbs, sugar) is acceptable to have in tea/coffee on my fast days? Also.... I thought the point of this whole program is to go at least 12 hours without eating? I'm surprised by the number of people eating three, albeit very small, meals on their fast days. I realize you're staying within the calorie allotment, but I was under the impression the full effect isn't felt unless you actually fast. Again, I'm new so if you could help me navigate this plan, I would be very appreciative :) Thanks!
Hi hopeful and welcome

I hope you don't mind me moving your post! I just thought my reply would get lost in all the posts by people fasting today and giving their minute by minute updates!

Re Stevia: it is certainly allowed! Some members have strong feelings about sweeteners but that's a different question! If it helps you get through the fast then go for it!

Re 12 hours: there is a poll to see how people "spend" their calories and it shows the majority either go all day on no/minimal calories and then have a single meal ( 20-24 hour fast) and then nothing till breakfast or have breakfast and dinner (roughly 3 x 12 hour fasts). A minority have three meals or lunch and dinner. Often people start on 3 meals and come round to the idea of a longer fast. Our mantra here is whatever helps you to achieve the calorie target is fine because we want people to find a sustainable way of going on rather than forcing them to adopt an eating pattern that they can't cope with. Some of us suspect that a longer fast is better but as yet we have no proof.

Hope that helps!

Enjoy the boards...
Welcome! Are you an American too? Slowly but surely, we're building a presence here :-)
No - Canadian, sorry. lol

Thank you for replying to my post so quickly. I appreciate the clarification and input.

My Naturopath suggested Stevia as she said it is not an artificial sweetener, so hopefully it will affect my fast days.
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