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Hiii :) Newbie here!
10 Mar 2013, 13:48

I've decided to try the 5:2 diet as I have stubborn pounds to shift even though my partner suggests that I don't..

However, many sites say that people with a history of eating disorders shouldn't try this diet. I wasn't diagnosed with eating disorders per se but did used to be an extreme calorie counter and ravenous binger, which seems hypocritical, I know. Has anyone else who has had a past similar to mine found that this diet hasn't triggered old habits?

Many thanks :)
Re: Hiii :) Newbie here!
10 Mar 2013, 17:04
Hello Metachic,
Welcome to the forum - I am sure you'll find plenty of constructive advice and support here. Lots of people are very knowlegeable about weight issues. I am not sure from your introduction if this WOE is suitable for you or indeed anyone who has had anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorder, and in fact I don't know if being an extreme calorie counter or ravenous binger is classed as having an eating disorder. From the little bit of info that you have given I would suggest that it might be a good idea to discuss this with your doctor before deciding if it will be a healthy choice for you, both weightwise and psychologically. Sorry can't be more helpful.
Re: Hiii :) Newbie here!
10 Mar 2013, 19:06
Welcome to the boards!!!

I'm also nervous about recommending this WOE to you. The fact that your partner thinks it's a bad idea is alarming to me. Those closest to us have a better grasp on our behavior than we do.

My mom was an anorexic when I was a kid - she even grew fur on her stomach and was hospitalized for it. She was cured by the time I was 10, but I still remember some bits pretty clearly. Even now, 30 years after she's been a healthy weight, she occasionally gets a bit obsessive and looks at food in a slightly unhealthy manner. My dad works on trying to get her to regain her perspective, and thankfully she always does.

My younger sister was bulimic for many years. She has wrecked her esophagus. Mom and I do not have a great relationship with her and we just hope that her husband, a doctor, is keeping her healthy.

My eating disorder is the easy one - I just eat too much ;-) But I've always said I'd rather be fat than have their struggles. Perhaps that's part of the reason I'm fat. Who knows?

Still, it's those closest to us we really need to listen to. They see us better than we see ourselves, warts and all. If your partner doesn't want you doing this, I'd ask you to please respect that. It might be a slippery slope that does you in.
Re: Hiii :) Newbie here!
10 Mar 2013, 19:29
Hi there and welcome

I would echo what the others have said...I would hesitate to recommend a fasting diet to someone with a history of an eating disorder. Better safe than sorry, eh?
Re: Hiii :) Newbie here!
10 Mar 2013, 19:37
Well done for being honest.

If your partner is happy with you as you are - keep him/her happy :) :)
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