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Day after first fast
22 Jan 2013, 12:15
Hi everyone

Well did my first fast yesterday and apart from a bit of willpower required around 4 ish, it was fine. I feel so much better today and my stomach feels alot less bloated.

I am wondering whether to do the 4:3 or carry on as planned and do 5:2 with my next fasting day on Thursday.

Has anyone done both and have any opinions on them please.

Anyway as a good side effect, I have not wanted to pig out today and have been sticking to a much better diet that I normally would which is great.

Angela :P
Re: Day after first fast
22 Jan 2013, 12:42
Hi Wildpasty

Personally, I would do 5:2 and see how you go. I am keeping 4:3 as an option for when/if my weight loss slows down. It's nice to think there is an additional measure I can take if I want!

However, having said that, I know that some folks have found it to take a while before the weight starts to come off and so others have felt it worth starting on 4:3 to get things moving.

OK, so that's not very helpful is it? :roll:
Re: Day after first fast
22 Jan 2013, 16:05
Maybe just follow your body and do what feels right.

Personally, I would start with 5:2 and you can always build up later, like Caroline says.

Might be kinder to your body to start slow? But maybe you're loving how you feel and want to keep doing it?

Like you, I feel like I'm eating better on non-fast days and less.

Where did you get the name WildPasty?! :lol: My name is boring and I should really change it!
Re: Day after first fast
23 Jan 2013, 11:53
Hi Caroline - I think I will go down the route of the 5:2 for at least a month and then see how I feel with regards to 4:3 then.

Hi Jo, my name Wildpasty hmmmm not sure how it came about really, I know I was looking for something no-one else would be likely to have and have had it for around 15 or so years. Just a product of my weird mind lol

Angela x
Re: Day after first fast
23 Jan 2013, 12:28
I don't think I would find 4:3 as do-able in the long term as 5:2, but that's just me. I do occasionally throw in an extra fast or semi-fast if I don't feel much like eating or if I've pigged out the previous day and my tummy just can't take anymore! Since starting in August I've probably thrown in an extra 3-4 fast days. I wouldn't want to do it all the time! I find the weight loss steady on 5:2 and would worry that if I had to switch to 4:3 to increase it I might never be able to bring it down to 6:1 as I hope to eventually (with an occasional 5:2 week thrown in for good measure).
Re: Day after first fast
23 Jan 2013, 13:34
Hi Moogie

Yes think I will stick to 5:2 for the time being. I am a very slow loser compared to others, borderline thyroid but not on thyroxin, so will give it at least a month as I dont think week by week is a very accurate measure (although trying not to weigh every week might be a challenge lol).

Really looking forward to seeing any results.

Angela x
Re: Day after first fast
23 Jan 2013, 19:24
Wildpasty - I like the name - you've inspired me.

Maybe I should go for Crazy-pie or LunaticBiscuit?
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