My name is Vicki. I live in Sydney, Australia - married with 4 sons.
I read about the 5:2 Diet while waiting at the airport flicking through a magazine. The whole concept interested me & ticked a lot of boxes.
Apart from the weight loss appeal (I thought "oh yeah, here we go ... another Hollywood diet fad ... "), it was the health benefits that made me curious and certainly set it apart from other so called "diets".
Dementia, breast cancer & diabetes ... all of these have affected family members and if there was something that could ward off any of these prematurely occurring to me, then it sounds like it's worth a try. It certainly can't hurt and who doesn't want a healthier quality of life as they age?
I've bought the books & am finding it very exciting. I'm at the tail end of my 4th fast day and I actually look forward to them. (Never thought I'd say that!)
Cheers (with water!)