I have just started the 5;2diet, watched the horizon programme and read the book so decided I better bite the bullet and give it a go! First fast day yesterday and have been reading and reading and reading the forums and I think I have got myself confused!
I stopped eating probably about 9pm on Sunday night, Monday was my fast day, I didn't eat anything until around 9am Monday morning (had porridge at work), I was really worried about being at work and fainting (I have a huge fear of fainting )so I took some baby carrots into work with me and had around 5 of them midday. Came home and didn't eat anything till dinner (lentil soup) at 6pm at night, nothing else till 6.30am next day (Tuesday) had porridge for breakfast.
Have been reading loads about people totally fasting for 24/36hrs, but im not really going longer than 12 hours. Is this going to work?
Im fasting again tomorrow before our weekend (im in Saudi and our weekend is Thurs/Fri)
Im desperate for this to work we have high risk breast cancer in my family.
Thanks for taking the time to read this