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Hi Everyone

Completed my second fast yesterday, found it easier than the first however still feel strange on a night time, may sound a bit silly but its as if all my senses are really alert? When im laid in bed I can hear every little sound and find it difficult to nod off is this normal?

Also finding on a feast day even if im not paticularly hungry I feel I need to eat a lot as I feel empty? I used to suffer panic attacks which became worse from hunger and I think its a mental thing rather than actually been hungry, does this period pass?

Other than those couple of things feeling great, weighed this morning and dropped 2lb although will have friday as my official weigh in. Thanks everyone!
Hi Cakey :)

A lot of people seem to report trouble sleeping in the early days of fasting. I think Dr M still has this problem now occasionally and recommends saving some cals for a small glass of milk at bedtime to help you sleep.

These days I sleep better than ever - although there is an occasional fast where I'll not sleep so well, it's hard to say if this is due to the fast or due to how busy/stressful the day itself has been with work etc.

I think you need to learn to embrace that empty feeling - if you're not feeling hungry, there's no need to eat and doing so will only be counter productive. I can't advise about the panic attacks and their relationship to hunger, but perhaps another member can (marlathome?)
Hi there, i am on my second day of fasting too, surprisingly finding it easier than the first day. Like you i suffer anxiety and panic attacks that i believed were linked to low blood sugar so i have been very apprehensive about this. I think thats why i found the first day so bad as i was so scared of fainting in work!
I havent noticed any major side effects, tired and lack of enery and a very very dodgy tummy the day after my fast (i fast Monday and Wednesday) but finding it ok so far.

Good luck with the rest of your fasting, havent weighed myself yet, convinced the scales are broken!
Canny help you re: hearing every noise, although last night I was woken up by the rumblings of my stomach!!!

It is a mental thing so it is up to you to rationalise it. During fasts, I dream of what I will eat next day. When next day comes, sometimes I eat it and sometimes I don't.

It is natural that you will feel more hungry than usual but you will find that less food will make you full.
Thank you moogie thats a good idea with the milk, also going to get myself some oxo cubes so I can have one if Im feeling shaky on a fast day.
ksaint wrote: Hi there, i am on my second day of fasting too, surprisingly finding it easier than the first day. Like you i suffer anxiety and panic attacks that i believed were linked to low blood sugar so i have been very apprehensive about this. I think thats why i found the first day so bad as i was so scared of fainting in work!
I havent noticed any major side effects, tired and lack of enery and a very very dodgy tummy the day after my fast (i fast Monday and Wednesday) but finding it ok so far.

Good luck with the rest of your fasting, havent weighed myself yet, convinced the scales are broken!

You sound very similar to me, I think mine was linked to low bp and ive been really frightened of passing out on a fast day, so far though ive found the opposite feel really alert and a bit strange if that makes sense :?: I normally only work three days a week so im thinking of doing my fast days on my days off I may find it easier that way. Hope your fast day goes well :smile:
Thanks tml definitelty a mental thing think I need to start embracing the hungry feeling!
I think fasting on your days off at first would be helpful. Once you start to feel normal on a fast day you can schedule them differently. It does take a while for the body to get used to fasting. It's perfectly capable but out of practice!
I fast when I'm home. The only fast that I did and I wasn't at home was a disaster, LOL!
Cakey and Ksaint, I'm exactly the same. I suffer from anxiety also and nearly gave up after having a bad day with my tummy the day after. Good to hear I'm not the only one!
Feel free to message me if you have any anxiety... Its always nice to help each other out.
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