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Our Frequently Asked Questions topic will answer many of your fasting & weight loss questions!
If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!
Keep at it
Good luck
Weighing daily will not give you a true idea of your weight loss as your body weight varies naturally day to day. If you weigh on the same day each week around the same time of day you should notice the downward trend.
The first few weeks weight may go up and down a bit as the fat and water % in your body adjusts. Note also that if you go to the gym you may be swapping fat for muscle, which weights more. As your muscles tear they will hold more water before they repair/grow.
Scales which measure fat and water can be helpful as well as taking your measurements.
Do you have much to lose?
Your weight on the scales is very variable and depends on many things apart from how much fat you may have lost. Water is a big factor. After exercise you retain water, fat loss can result in temporary water uptake, salt food can increase water plus food that is still "in transit" can add to your scale weight. If you were to weigh every day and make a graph you would find the line going up and down but slightly more down than up so showing a trend downwards. Don't worry about the scales nor showing a loss until you have been the same weight for over a month.
I'm sure it will be fine...give it more time!
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