I came across this site about four weeks ago and got so inspired that the same week I started fasting 2 days. I felt tired and cranky on those two days but generally ok.
Next week was the same. Felt a little bit run down but I loved that my tummy felt so great and light. So after two weeks I lost 2.5 kgs and was very happy.
Third week though things started to unravel. I was having a pretty bad reaction to some herbs that my naturopath got me on and was expecting my period. Not a great combo. I started eating anything and everything in sight. I was light headed and (even more) cranky so each day I would try to fast but by 1pm would give up. I decided to sort out the issue with my herbs and PMS, rest and give it another go at a later date.
Well that date is tomorrow. I am feeling much better, my appetite is back to normal and I feel that my energy levels have improved too.
Wish me luck