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Hi everyone,

I came across this site about four weeks ago and got so inspired that the same week I started fasting 2 days. I felt tired and cranky on those two days but generally ok.
Next week was the same. Felt a little bit run down but I loved that my tummy felt so great and light. So after two weeks I lost 2.5 kgs and was very happy.

Third week though things started to unravel. I was having a pretty bad reaction to some herbs that my naturopath got me on and was expecting my period. Not a great combo. I started eating anything and everything in sight. I was light headed and (even more) cranky so each day I would try to fast but by 1pm would give up. I decided to sort out the issue with my herbs and PMS, rest and give it another go at a later date.

Well that date is tomorrow. I am feeling much better, my appetite is back to normal and I feel that my energy levels have improved too.

Wish me luck :grin:
Yes, good luck indeed. As you've done it before it should go well now you've got the herbs thing sorted!

My tip would be that if you get to 1pm and need to eat, don't worry about going over the 500 cal limit. Maybe aim to keep it to will still be a lower calorie day than normal. If for some reason you do need to eat more like 1000-1200 it might be best not to try to fast again the next day as the lower calories on the previous day will make the next day harder. I'd have a normal day and then try to fast again. But I'm sure you'll do fine... :clover:
Thank you for your words of encouragement and advice. No wonder it didn't work - I kept trying day after day after day... Next time I'll know to skip a day.

As for my progress - the night is still young (its 8pm in Melbourne atm) but I am confident that I've done it. Yay!
Well done Dani! I hope everything went well for you. Don't be discouraged if it's hard one day, or if you "fall off the wagon". Just pick yourself up and start afresh the next time. I've been doing this for 2 months and I'm a happy dormouse!
Well done DaniH - you must be thinking about bed now (I used to go to bed much earlier on fast days, but it's getting easier now) - I'm not surprised you were struggling if you were trying on consecutive days, I've now settled in to Mondays & Thursdays (unless I have a reason to change) as I find that the 2 days inbetween is better than one as I am back to normal for those 2 days rather than just 1 day between which feels like a day off fasting (if you follow that!)

Hope you're feeling really pleased with yourself :)
Yes, I am very pleased. As always I am finding late afternoon/early evening the hardest. But I am trying a new strategy - I remove myself from the kitchen area straight after dinner so I resist the temptation.

My next fast day will be Friday - it would be interested to see how that goes as I work from home on that day. I must make a conscious effort to work from my office as opposed to kitchen table :)
Good to read your comments and have sorted out the herbs! I am on my third fast today and it is much easier than when I started a week ago. I was too aware of everything I was doing, everything I was eating and wondering if and when I would have any side effects on the first day! You'll get lots of support and advice on this friendly forum
I was actually stalking the forum for couple of weeks before I joined up. Everyone seemed supportive and very friendly. I have been trying to lose pregnancy (if you can still call that after 5 years) weight on my own. If I recall correctly I did WW at least 4 times (each time lasting no more than 6 weeks) but never felt supported.

In addition to this I will be starting a boot camp next week. It is time to say good bye to this weight for good...

I do hope that the slight obsession with the quantity of food will decrease over time, as you get into the rhythm of things. One of the reasons I left WW (few times) is because I could not stand counting. And because I am a from scratch kind of cook, it was driving me insane.

Good luck to all :)
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