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New ADFie:)
30 Jan 2013, 09:55
Hi guys,

My name is Justina and I'm new to forum. I'm here to lose 10 kg I've put on due to back injury and kidney problems I've overcome early last year.I've started ADF on Monday and today is my second day of fasting (I'm fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday this week). I've done 5:2 last week but I thought it's easy enough to do ADF and chase up the results:) Also, I always loved working out and do high intensity interval training on my fast days as well as some running (no more than 30 mins in total).

So far it's been going surprisingly well. I have to say that hunger on my fasting days was very temporary, but it might be because in the last 2 months I've gradually reduced my calorie intake to about 75% of the recommended value (1500kcal), so maybe my stomach shrunk a little during this time?

I eat a light breakfast at 8ish consisting of scrambled eggs (2) with broccoli and a tiny bit of wensleydale cheese made on non stick pan. For lunch (1PM) I have a flat griddled or oven baked chicken breast stuffed with tiny bit of mozzarella and side of steamed veg (you'd be surprised how much you can fit on your 300kcal plate!).

What I've noticed that on feast days I didn't crave much sweets/cakes (my biggest sin), instead I have appetite for high nutrient food like nuts and fruit. Also I am more choosy, since I know that the next day I can only have a little and not just everything I want. I've been to a restaurant on one feast day and while my boyfriend had a starter, a big main and a tiramisu for desert, I was very happy with a starter portion of main and ignoring all tasty cakes, chose fruit sorbet for desert. It's like a new me!
So far I've lost 1.5 kg and I am so excited to see it being so easy and making good lifestyle habits on the way!

I only have one question. I am very happy doing ADF, but let's say I have a family event. Would it be much of a damage to do 5:2 on those rare occasions when I can't cook? Would I put on weight or would it only decrease my weight loss in that particular week?

Good luck with it people, I am happy to share my experience on both ADF and exercise, so please ask questions if you have any:)

Love x x
Re: New ADFie:)
30 Jan 2013, 11:06
Hi & welcome Justina - sounds like you're doing great so far, especially doing all that exercise on your fasting days.

We've got a few other ADFers here so maybe they can advise regarding occasional switches to 5:2. Most of us are 5:2ers, some of which occasionally chuck in a 4:3 for good measure.
Re: New ADFie:)
30 Jan 2013, 11:35
Hi Justina

Rather than switch from ADF to 5:2, why not go 4:3? As events tend to be at a weekend, you could fast on Mon, Weds and Fri and then have the weekend free (or if starting on a Friday evening, and lasting all weekend, why not fast on Mon and Weds and then on Friday skip breakfast and lunch and then go to the event?

Whether you would gain weight will depend exactly how much food and booze you manage to consume at the event! :lol:

Over Christmas I just ate one or two meals a day (depending how big the meal was) and didn't put any weight on, so that's another way of dealing with a big social occasion.

The great thing about incorporating intermittent fasting into your life is that it is so flexible. There are so many ways of doing it, you can usually find a way of fitting it around things.

Let us know how you get on anyway :-)
Re: New ADFie:)
30 Jan 2013, 12:45
Thanks guys. Well, I thought that 4:3 would be a good idea, I thought you need to fast 3 days in a row, for some reason. Glad to clear that out and I agree, fasting seems to be the easiest diet plan to adapt for anyone really.
Oh sorry, I only exercise on my feast days, it was a typo. I'm nowhere near that hard:D
Thanks for support and ideas:) Will be in touch
Re: New ADFie:)
30 Jan 2013, 16:24
Hi Justina,
I am trying my first 4:3 this week!
I have been doing 5:2 for 4 weeks and have lost about 0.5-1lb a week but i gained a 1lb last week so thought i would give 4:3 a go to see if i can shift it! I think my gain is probably from over eating on my feed days :-/
I exercise on my fast days too which doesnt seem to be a problem for me if I take it easy and dont over do it. Have you got any suggestions for HIIT workouts I can try, I am getting bored of just running on the treadmill..
thank you
Re: New ADFie:)
30 Jan 2013, 16:48
Hey Melanie,

I suggest going on and following Lisa's free workouts. It is demanding and EVERYONE will be crap at the beginning, but you'll be surprised how fast your form improves. You can find them on facebook, where they have a lot of support, tips and inspiring before and after photos.
Whole body workout burns fat really fast and leaves you feeling energetic rather than drained. I'd say leave fast days to fasting and exercise on your feasting days - might stop you from overeating, and if not, it will improve your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours after exercise, so even if you end up eating extra, you'll surely burn it. But as Caroline wrote above, how well it works out for you, depends not only on how hard you push yourself but also on your genetic background. What do you eat on your feast days?

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