I started on this process last week and have now done 4 days of fasting. I don't find it especially difficult to fast because I find that once I eat, I feel that I need to eat again. I have, however, eaten a little on my fast days and been very strict with myself. I don't really know whether I've lost much weight although I do feel less bloated so maybe I have.
I have had the problem of high blood pressure show up at my health check so have to see the doctor this week. I really don't want to go on medication so I'm going to see if he'll let me carry on seeing the nurse for a while because she's monitoring my weight and BP. I'm convinced that if I can lose all this blubber, my BP will reflect that.
One question I would like to ask is, are any of the other forum members very overweight like me? All the profile pictures and some of the statistics seem to indicate that most of you only have a little to lose. One person said she started at 9st 10lbs. OMG! I would give my right arm to weigh that! I'm not saying that in a derogatory way because once upon a time, I did weigh 9st 10lbs and I was desperate to lose weight so I do understand. Please don't take offence that person. It's just that I am now what I consider to be disgustingly overweight and I'd love to think that I'm not on my own.
I blame no-one but myself for my size, I love food and mostly naughty food! This plan seems to offer a good solution to our problem and I'm so hoping it works. The book arrived today so I look forward to reading that and getting some more ideas on what to eat.