I've been interested in these eating habits (hate the word diet!) since watching the original program so I thought it was about time to give it a go
I just thought I'd pop in and say hello because I reckon I'll be spending a bit of time here mooching about and looking for recipes.
My plan is to fast monday and thursday because it splits the week nicely and fits in with hubbys work and the days when I'm normally on my own so I can concentrate on me!
As I grow my own veg in my tiny back yard I'm planning to wander round on fast days and pick things to make soup with. I find a good soup keeps me full for longer and you know exactly whats gone in it ... plus I got a new blender and food processor for christmas which I'm always looking for an excuse to use
I look forward to chatting to you all and good luck to everyone hoping to lose weight or just get a little healthier.