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9 posts Page 1 of 1
31 Jan 2013, 15:08

Just joined the forum after reading the article on the fast diet in this weeks Radio Times (and subsequently which had a link to this forum). I'm currently going to the gym/swimming at least twice, and usually four times a week, but have packed on a few pounds since giving up smoking - 3" of which is around my waist! I've not really dieted before, though I did try counting calories for a while, but this 5:2 seems to be just what I need to reduce fat levels and with a lot of additional health benefits. I'm aiming to start 5:2 within the next week after booking a body comp at the gym so I can really evaluate the results.

Re: Hi
31 Jan 2013, 17:09
Welcome to the forum, Liz

If you have not really dieted before you should find the weight shifts pretty easily. The stats from the gym will be long will you give it before getting a retest?
Re: Hi
31 Jan 2013, 18:56
Hi Caroline,

Thanks for the reply. Will leave it at least a month before getting a retest - can't remember how many free ones I can have in a year - but if I can manage monthly for the first few months I think that would be good. Though perhaps every couple of months would be sufficient. What's your view on it?

Re: Hi
31 Jan 2013, 19:01
Dr M waited 6 weeks...
Re: Hi
31 Jan 2013, 19:25
hi liz- welcome! we all seem to have things in common- I gave up smoking , like you, and have put on 1.5 stone since then and hence the 5:2.I went to my GP today to have bloodtests and blood pressure measured- she was not really interested but I really do not care- it is my body and my health!! I have to wait 6 months before she will test everything again!!!!! Let us know how are getting on!! ursula
New member
31 Jan 2013, 19:45
Hi everyone, I have just joined the forum and have been trying the 5/2 diet for a couple of weeks, mainly to support my husband who wanted to shift a few middle aged pounds. I have found it very interesting reading some of the posts and would hopefully like to contribute in the future, especially those of 45 to 50 age group (my age group) and 55 and over (husbands). His family have a history of diabetes and dementia so anything that I can do to prevent this especially for him and myself I am willing to try. I am not that overweight so unfortunately have not been as strict with myself and still have to work out which window best for me e.g. dinner to dinner or 2 split meals or 1 big meal?? what would anyones advice be? I have been eating porridge/berries mid morn and a lovely butternut squash/red pepper soup (weight watchers recipe) with 1 slice of wholemeal bread is this ok anybody?? like to hear opinions thanks.
Re: Hi
01 Feb 2013, 12:18
Ursula - Thanks for reply. I have my body comp booked for 1pm today and decided to start my 1st fast day today as well so feeling a little peckish at the mo. will keep you updated!

Tracy - Hi and welcome from one newbie to another. I'm 57 so in your husbands age group. For myself I'm opting for 2 meals as breakfast is important to me, but I think it's whatever you feel most comfortable with.

Re: Hi
01 Feb 2013, 12:31
Liz, just a word of warning: your cholesterol levels rise with fasting (because you need to release fat from stores to supply energy). How much they rise depends a bit on glycogen stores but if you have fasted from dinner last night then by 1pm your cholesterol may be a bit higher than your 'true' reading. I presume they are doing a cholesterol check? If not, forget I mentioned it!
Re: Hi
01 Feb 2013, 17:37
Thanks for warning Caroline, but actually not a problem as they don't do cholesterol check and I'm splitting my 500cals between breakfast and dinner - can't go without breakfast!

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