This time last week I had never heard of the 5:2 fast diet. I was out with a friend for a meal and she told me she was fasting the next day. She told me a little about it and I thought I would research it. Forgot all about it over the weekend then was visiting my mum on Monday, picked up a magazine and read an article on the diet, a success story, so went home, got on the internet, downloaded the book on to my kindle and started reading. Then decided, starting Tuesday. Had feast day 1st, did my first fast Weds, feast again today. Woke up on Fast day starving, i'm never hungry in a morning!! Did well had soup at lunch and a WW meal for tea.
Last year I did slimming world, lost weight, felt fab then gradually put most back on. Have tried to get back to it after Xmas but only to manage a day or 2. 3 days into 5:2 and feeling motivated! Yippee....
About me, married, two teenagers and one dog. Off to Florida for my hols in July so want to look and feel good. Oh, and will be 43 soon, please let me feel good about myself as 43, too many years wasted on yoyo dieting. Byebye fads, hello 5:2 lifestyle ...
Sue x