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New Member
05 Feb 2013, 10:50
Hi everyone! This is my 6th week of following 5:2 health approach. I am pre-obese with BMI around 29.5 so I am here to lose weight as well as the health benefits too.
I'm 62 and my metabolism is really wonky due to having been severely hypothyroid for several years although pulling out of it and rebalancing now.
I feel better on 5:2 but I haven't lost any weight (yet!) so I do need some encouragement. Would like to lose between 1-2 stone - 1 for Sanity, 2 for Vanity. I do count calories on Fast Days but other than that there are better things a woman can do with her brain. I'm pretty numberphobic actually so talk of BMIs and EERs etc just go over my head as I am a bear of little brain. I'm going on my waist measurement as I don't own a pair of scales. I'm also fascinated by the way that 5:2 encourages Mindful Eating and appalled at the little eating habits I've been hiding!! I'll be measuring my waist at end of Feb. Currently don't see any weight loss, but as I said, I feel better.
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 13:12
Hi Lisa, welcome to the forum, keep it up, it does work, even if only slowly...and you're right it does make you feel better.
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 13:45
Hi Lisa

I'm surprised you haven't lost weight after 6 weeks. I know you don't want to play the numbers game so perhaps you might consider cutting down on carbohydrates? The refined carbohydrates seem to play havoc with the body's need to burn fat on fast days. The other thing that does not require calorie counting is to do an extra fast or even a half fast (i.e., skip lunch one feed day) which will bring your average calorie intake down and, hopefully, get the weight moving.
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 14:13
Thanks, it's good advice. I really don't eat a lot of refined carbs by which I guess you mean bread, biscuits, crackers. But maybe I need to eat even less than everybody else (sigh). I'm going back to having one carb-free meal a day on feed/feast days as of this week as a semi-fast.
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 19:02
Well white bread counts as refined carbs but not wholemeal I think, and yes, biscuits, cake, white rice, white pasta, sugar, sugary drinks, foods with sugar added such as low fat ready meals, syrups, ice cream, sweets...anything nice basically :roll:
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 19:19
In fact, my "oh the waist is too tight" jeans which I usually wear on a fast day were very slightly more comfortable than usual after sitting down for X hours (job not telly!). So possibly I've lost a tiny tiny bit. But there is still bulging over the waistband. Never eat white bread only wholemeal, never have sugar, never eat sweets (oh Lie! I eat 70% dark chocolate occasionally, no more than a bar in 2 weeks). It's a mystery why I haven't had much/any weight loss. Maybe some others have had this experience?
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 20:42
I think it is the hypothyroid that is blocking your weight loss. You say your treatment is about right now, but I think I read that it is still hard to lose weight even if on meds. I think you will lose but slowly. What do you think about going to 4:3?
Re: New Member
05 Feb 2013, 22:04
Hi, well I think it could be the hypothyroidism blocking weight loss too. My specialist says hypothyroids need "locking in a box" to lose weight! But 4:3 sounds a bit drastic! I could try it one week & see, I suppose. I'll keep on 5:2 till end of Feb & measure my waist, then review. I'm getting the health benefits anyway, I guess? Maybe somebody could commission me for some research into 5:2 and hypothyroidism?!
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