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Hello from Western Australia
08 Feb 2013, 04:21
Hello everyone. My name is Jeff and I am from Australia. I am a 61yo male who needs to lose weight before an upcoming overseas trip in April. Started yesterday on the 5:2 regime after watching Dr Mosley's Horizon video which sparked my interest. I am a big eater normally and have trouble like many others sticking to continual day in day out dieting, so am willing to give this a go.

First fast day was yesterday and I found it relatively easy although had something to eat at all 3 standard meals. Cereal and milk for breakfast, apple and banana for lunch and 2 poached eggs on a slice of toast for dinner. Had 2 black coffees during the day and lots of water. Also starting today and on non fast days I am taking one 800mg green coffee bean extract vegie capsule 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

I have entered my start up stats into the tracker and look forward to watching the kilos melt away over the next few weeks. With a waist measurement of 125cm I am struggling to find anything in my wardrobe to fit me so I am keen to fix this. :oops: Very motivated to succeed and will combine this with regular exercise via daily walks.

Great site and I look forward to contributing to discussion in the coming weeks and months.

Cheers :)
Welcome Jeff!

Glad to hear you've jumped right in and started tracking too :-) I hope you find a lot of great info on this site.
Welcome Jeff, good to see you're using the tracker from day one, it shows your determination, you will soon see the line sliding down the graph :P
It's trial and error at first with how to use your 600 cals on a fast day, I started having a light lunch (homemade soup) then my dinner around 6.30, but now I just have all my 500 (usually less) at dinner time....I find this works better for me as long as I have plenty of water, herbal teas through the day....good luck
Hi Jeff, I'm fom WA too. I am have just completed my sixth fast day without too much trouble and exercising on all of my fast days. Not many people from here have heard about 5:2, but I am trying to educate them :)
Hello Mousie

Good to hear there are others from God's Country involved too. My wife is also having a go too but she is reluctant to come on here as she is a very private person. You are correct about local knowledge of the "Diet". Nobody I have spoken to has heard of it. Was thinking of writing to Today Tonight as they are always showcasing the latest "diet fad" and I'm sure they might take this up.
I am in south Australia, but I'm British, so listen to British radio which is how I heard of it. Same, nobody I have spoken to has heard of it.
Where did you see the horizon programme? On foxtel or the Internet?
Hi WA!

As someone with fond memories of Perth - based at RAAF Pearce, and lived in Maylands back in the early 70s - I send you warm greetings!

I've read that Dr Mosley's programme is not to be shown in Oz until June - so you'll need to point your friends to his prog here (ATM!):

Best wishes, B&W
Hi Breadandwine (great name) Thanks for the greetings

Coincidentally We lived in Maylands too from 1997 until 2005 when we retired to Mandurah. Have watched the video which is what sparked our interest. My wife stumbled across it on the internet.

We were in England in 2011 and I loved the place. particularly loved London and would like to go back there some day. Last year we were in Tasmania and the countryside likeness to the UK was uncanny. Rolling green fields without the hedge rows.

By the way you are up very late.

hi mildew- welcome to this fab site!!! at long last somebody with similar stats as mine- just looked through ans thought I was the only one with "advanced BMI"- somehow havent managed to get it to display yet but it's very close to yours. And also your measurements- which will shrink and the belt will get too big very soon!!!
Like you I am trying to let everybody know about this diet- see how we get on!!!
keep us up-dated and good luck to both you and your wife!- ursula
3 weeks down and I had to buy some new scales cos the old ones Subsequently I put on 0.55KG so will have to regroup and renew my efforts. Feeling ok on fast days though which is good. Have had no alcohol and only one day where I weakened and had a couple of cupcakes.
I've been to Perth! My hubby was in the Navy, and I flew out to meet his ship there. We had dinner at Fraser's one night - lovely place - and I went took a train to visit a wildlife zoo where I got to hold a koala. I just loved it! Nice city and nice people -- and felt a lot like the US, except your signs for Burger King have a different name on them ;-)

Ooh, i wish I could take walks in Australia instead of very cold, wet north of England! :-)

Good luck on the 5:2
26 days in and I've lost 4.4KGs and 10CM off my waist. It's been so easy too ad that's the part I like. The interesting thing I've found is that you somehow don't want to undo the good work on your eating days so tend to eat semi healthy. Although I did attend a big dinner party on Saturday and drank a nice bottle of red.

A balmy 28 degrees celsius here today and have just come back from a lovely morning walk with my wife. Just going into autumn and the season is changing. Beautiful crisp clear mornings with no wind and glorious sunny days. :lol:
Hi mildew - you lucky b*st*rd! :smile:

I've just been listening to the interview with Dr Mosley on ABC radio in Sydney - the link is in 'View active topics' - so it seems fitting I should be writing to an Aussie, ATM! Excellent interview, if you haven't already heard it, you should!

Apparently the original Horizon programme is due to be broadcast shortly - on SBS(?), I think. The book is being released this week.

I do tend to go to bed late - but, if I'm not working in the morn, I'll sleep until 9 or 9.30. I always feel I'm missing something if I go to bed too early!

Have a lovely day!

Cheers, B&W

Ps. Congrats on the weight loss!
hi guys- what a select little group we have here!!! are you all doing well? I have been doing this now for 6 weeks and lost 7lb- am really chuffed because we have been travelling for nearly 3 weeks and i managed to keep to most fast days- love this way of eating- so portable!!!! and uncomplicated- one day I drove a fair distance in the car while fasting- no problem!! and my clothes are starting to feel so much better- good luck to you all- let us know how you are doing- ursula
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