After the first week I felt very good and feel like clothes fit better or are slightly loose. However, I have made the decision NOT to weigh myself and I want to stick to that. I used to be obsessive when I was in my early twenties and over-exercised (9 classes a week - including 3 spinning classes, swimming 3-4 times a week, running on days not swimming and going to the gym in any spare time I had) while eating less than 1000 calories a day. I eventually injured my back and a joint condition I had started to make itself known. It was only two years (5 years after my injury) ago when I could exercise again without any pain and now I cycle as part of my commute as well as do a lot of walking. I have toned up but don't think any weight was coming off so decided to give this a go.
I have spent this morning walking and moving equipment around (no cycling on fast days, tried it last week and the results were not good), finally had a poached egg on toast for breakfast at 11 am. No hunger yet and am alert and happy.
I think I will start measuring my waist, hip, etc. Using scales, however, puts me in a very bad mindset that I want to avoid. Is everyone else weighing themselves? How do using measurements compare?