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First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 12:25
I lurked on the board for the past couple of weeks, trying to read as much about this diet as possible. I started it last week and today is my third fast day. I thought I would register and start posting. :) You seem like a nice group of people.

After the first week I felt very good and feel like clothes fit better or are slightly loose. However, I have made the decision NOT to weigh myself and I want to stick to that. I used to be obsessive when I was in my early twenties and over-exercised (9 classes a week - including 3 spinning classes, swimming 3-4 times a week, running on days not swimming and going to the gym in any spare time I had) while eating less than 1000 calories a day. I eventually injured my back and a joint condition I had started to make itself known. It was only two years (5 years after my injury) ago when I could exercise again without any pain and now I cycle as part of my commute as well as do a lot of walking. I have toned up but don't think any weight was coming off so decided to give this a go.

I have spent this morning walking and moving equipment around (no cycling on fast days, tried it last week and the results were not good), finally had a poached egg on toast for breakfast at 11 am. No hunger yet and am alert and happy.

I think I will start measuring my waist, hip, etc. Using scales, however, puts me in a very bad mindset that I want to avoid. Is everyone else weighing themselves? How do using measurements compare?
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 12:46
Hi DrLCH and welcome to the forums!

Most people weigh themselves and some get rather anxious about the whole thing as you have already found out. A large number are also measuring at least their waist, as the progress tracker allows you to track your waist as well as your weight. Dr Mosley has said that the waist measurement is a much better tool for assessing the amount of visceral fat (which is the most important area from the point of view of cardiovascular risk). We are aiming to get our waists to measure less than half our height. You will see from the progress tracker that a substantial proportion of people have managed to achieve this!

I think the great thing about waist measurement is that it is not affected by toning up the muscles, unlike weighing, though it probably is influenced by having eaten so best done first thing in the morning.

Good luck with your 5:2 journey!
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 12:52
Thanks Caroline. Good advise. With the waist measure being half your height (which I think sounds pretty cool) what units are the measurements in? Feet and inches or metric?
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 12:57
Hi DrLCH! I think you can put the measurements into the tracker here in your preferred units (Moogie has set it up so cleverly like that!) Probably a good idea not to take regular measurements if you don't need the reassurance that it's working, and want to avoid the risk of (temporary) disappointment, but I would recommend taking measurements once at the start, or at least now if you didn't at the start, so you have a baseline when/if you later want to compare your new sylph-like self ;)
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 13:04
I've been thinking about perhaps not weighing myself this week. I think fortnightly weigh ins might work better for me.
I have been measuring and recording my waist measurements, but feel this might be quite inaccurate, as I don't really have a waist.....I've been measuring around my tummy button to try and get some kind of accuracy in the measurement at least.
My aim is to lose body fat. Unfortunately I carry all of my weight on my abdomen, and desperately want to lose it to cut the health risks.
Good luck with your journey. I'll be following your progress with interest.
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 13:34
The Wife and I have been doing the diet for two weeks now. First week disappointing as we didn't lose weight. We decided to do the weigh day on monday first fast day. I had actually increased by 4 ozs. We have now decided to weigh again on Tuesday what do you recommend. I have been doing sly weigh ins (The wife is more disciplined than me)so was disappointed when weight was up as on some days scales showed 2 to 3 lbs loss. I am suffering with accidity which is quite unpleasant and I put this down to change of diet, Gavascon helps. Anyone any suggestions I would like to persevere with this diet
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 13:44
Thanks Dominic and Bellalou for the feedback and advice. Yes, I was not going to take measurements more than once a week if that.

Bellalou - I don't think is matters exactly where your measure, as long as you measure in a consistent place. So if your belly button works for you then stick with that. :)

TomChris - I think most people fluctuate slightly on a day to day basis, especially if they have been drinking a lot of fluid. It is important to weigh at the same time of day. I used to weigh myself first thing in the morning after using the toilet. Also, it may take a few weeks for your body to adapt to the new diet. Not sure, perhaps some of the more experienced people with the 5-2 diet on here can help a bit more.
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 13:58
Thanks DrLCH I do hope it doesn't take a few weeks to adjust
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 14:12
I think it matters what you eat as to whether you have a bad reaction. A sudden change in diet would upset things, imho, so think if you've had a massive change and maybe moderate it to foods not too distant from what you are used to, just less of them.
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 14:43
So it seems that my waist/height ratio is 50.01%. :) But I have a 10" difference between waist and hip. Very much a curvy pear shape here. I think I will try to measure other areas of my body to see how it goes.
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 15:33
Dominic - No I didn't. Thanks for the link, will go and look now.
Re: First post on the forums
11 Feb 2013, 22:42
I remember reading, years ago, that a 10" difference between your waist and hips is the perfect difference!

I had that once...
Re: First post on the forums
12 Feb 2013, 07:29
Caroline - Makes finding trousers that fit problematic though... ;)
Re: First post on the forums
12 Feb 2013, 07:56
DrLCH wrote: Caroline - Makes finding trousers that fit problematic though... ;)

Oh yes, indeed. That gaping section of waistband at the back as soon as you bend forward even a little. And I hate wearing belts with trousers because the belt loops are never enough to stop the belt cutting into my bare flesh where it rides up above the top of the waistband. Probably because we are not meant to actually use a belt to hold the waist of the trousers in, just to look decorative. Grrr :evil:
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