The FastDay Forum

Not losing weight?

Help us to help you! Please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!
Remember, we're not here to judge, we're here to help.

20 posts Page 2 of 2
Now where did I see that post, its on here somewhere, about BMI. The fact is that the so called 'ideal range' was downgraded some years back, so instead of being , I think, 19 to 26 as it is now, it used to be 22 to 28 or some such. This link isn't what was posted, but it may help you to realise that an ever so slightly cuddly, healthy mummy is much better than a bony not so healthy, but socially acceptable mummy. ... d_bmi.html
Nearly a month on..... I had quite a few wobbles over the last weeks, when I gave up and ate on fast days and whatever I tried seemed not to be working. But this last week I finally lost a kilo! Hurray! And it was a real kilo since I weighed daily and it really was every day that the scale showed less.

So, I think I may (touch wood and not wanting to jynx it!) have found a formula that seems now to be working for me. I'm exercising as normal (30 to 40 mins 5 times a week). And I am now doing 3 "fast" days, but not quite in the prescribed way. So I eat normally one day then no snacks in the evening and the next day I eat nothing at all until the evening - so effectively an actual 24 hour fast. I have been drinking tea and coffee and water, but not eating. Then in the evening having a normal (smallish) meal - this being usually over 500 calories, but probably not more than about 700. But I'm not calorie counting on any days at all. It's working well - also because on fasting days I can eat normally with the kids, which was getting to be difficult having to always make something different for me.

I'm not counting my chickens just yet, but a kilo gone last week was a little bit of a boost :victory:
Well done! Sounds like you have found a method that is working for you and that is what matters most. :like: :)
Well done Lisainch. I'm sure that kilo will motivate you for the next few weeks!
Well done Lisainch that's brilliant, and so great you managed to keep going even though you were demotivated by it all (understandably). An inspiration to us all to keep at it :)
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