I've been 5:2ing since June. Started at 74kilos, with a target to get to 67 which would have me in the middle of the healthy BMI band. I lost 3 kilos in the first few weeks, but since 1st July I've really not lost anything and my % body fat is basically the same. I mean, I've been bobbling around - 69 one day, 70 the next, 72 the next (averaging 71 most days). Seems crazy and I don't know why I'm not losing. I do between 30 and 40 mins aerobics or kick boxing 6 times a week. It would be impossible for me to do more than that - as a working mum it's hard enough to find the time for that.
I'm very strict on fast days and calorie count properly, but I admit I only estimate on non fast days (as calorie counting all the time is a pain - one of the reasons I was attracted to 5:2 in the first place!) I guess I will have to do that, but I dunno, I just feel like I'm ready to give up. Today is a fast day for me and I have no real enthusiasm for it any more