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Not losing weight?

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6 posts Page 1 of 1
Hi, everyone.

I started the 5:2 diet about three weeks ago, and quickly lost weight around my tummy area, it almost got completely flat! I also managed to put on a pair of pants I haven't been able to button at all in the past. It was too good to be true.

Then... On Saturday I celebrated my birthday, and ate out at a Chinese restaurant. I had chicken and vegetables for dinner, plus a pint and a fried banana with a bit of ice cream for dessert. Now, ever since that dinner, I look just like I did before I started the diet! Flabby, "bulgy" stomach.

Could it actually be possible that the meal undid all of my work so far?
I have tried to drink a lot of water, just in case it is just water retention, but nothing happens.

I fasted on Sunday and I am completing another fast today.

It's just been three weeks, I know, but I want to know if there is any hope of it just being water.
Welcome to the forum!!

It takes 3500 calories in excess of what you need in order to make a pound of fat.

Similarly, you have to not eat 3500 calories that you do need in order to lose a pound of fat.

It's highly unlikely that you gained that much actual fat on Saturday. It's much more likely that the high levels of MSG and sodium in the chinese food is causing bloating that could take a few days to wash away.

Drink plenty of water, and be patient with yourself!! Bodies are very weird things :-)
Didn't this happen to you @Carorees about 6 months ago after a Chinese restaurant feast? Maybe you can share your experience to reassure @dimple89?
Xxx julianna
What ever you do please don't give up. The morning of 18 Jan I weighed 64.9kg No breakfast several black teas and at 12.00 lunch was special k porridge with added fresh strawberries and a 70 cal cereal bar Total 188 kcals Then 7.00pm big family get together Chinese restuarant We each chose and shared each others starters and an array of main dishes No pudding or coffee for me I was soooooo full and WOE and behold Sunday morning 65.8 - 1kg as good as = 2.2lb over night.... then LOW and behold FRI Down to 64.7 Yep still yo yo but speedier results with no ill effects. :like: :grin:
Then the same Fri of weighing in at 64.7 I went to stay with my daughter and granddaughters in Plymouth for 3 days no fasting no recording what I ate Mc D... Curry..... Biscuits...etc And YEP UP UP UP :doh: :razz: :curse: Tues 28 66.6 same as 1st Jan.
BUT wait for it FRI 31 Back down to 64.9.....TUES 4 64.4 :like: :heart: this way of life Keep with it it really does work
yes, indeed, I had a similar massive but temporary gain after a Chinese meal. it's all the salt and MSG and the carbs combined make for huge amounts of water being retained.

see my experience here: post74806.html
Hi again, everyone. Just read the thread linked above. What a relief! It should probably sort itself out over the next days, then? Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it :)
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