I started the 5:2 diet about three weeks ago, and quickly lost weight around my tummy area, it almost got completely flat! I also managed to put on a pair of pants I haven't been able to button at all in the past. It was too good to be true.
Then... On Saturday I celebrated my birthday, and ate out at a Chinese restaurant. I had chicken and vegetables for dinner, plus a pint and a fried banana with a bit of ice cream for dessert. Now, ever since that dinner, I look just like I did before I started the diet! Flabby, "bulgy" stomach.
Could it actually be possible that the meal undid all of my work so far?
I have tried to drink a lot of water, just in case it is just water retention, but nothing happens.
I fasted on Sunday and I am completing another fast today.
It's just been three weeks, I know, but I want to know if there is any hope of it just being water.