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Not losing weight?

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24 posts Page 2 of 2
Hi Timbermiss
I'm similar to you, not huge amount to loose and already have a health BMI
I lost 2.5lbs the first week and nothing on my second, in my third now. But my main aim is to try and loose a few lbs before my holiday (in 5 weeks!!) so i'm trying to not panic just yet!! Good luck!! :clover: ;)

Well done you keep at it, I definitely feel better on this diet and not as bloated, clothes fitting better too, :like: hoping the scales figures do start to drop too! :grin:

Keep me posted with your progress - best wishes :cool: :cool:
I have a BMI of 24, though the new calculator places me at 23.

I lost 4lbs in my first week, the second week I gained 2lbs though expect that was simply water because I'd eaten a chinese take away the day before the weigh in, finished my third week exactly the same as the second week and now just started week 4.

Given that, I've lost 2lbs in the three weeks I've been doing this, though i've lost around 1.5inches around my waist
Are you exercising too? I've taken up running over the last couple of weeks and my boyfriend who is a bit of a nerd with fitness said it can cause the scales to go up.

Muscle is being constantly destroyed and repaired then destroyed again so this will cause scale flactuation. The muscle will also cling into water to help it repair and rebuild, but after about a month to six weeks this calms down after the muscles have got used to the exercise.

I posted this quote on another thread and it seems to help. It is from Paul McKenna's weight loss book and it goes something like: "When a plane is flying from one destination to another it can be off course for up to 90% of the time, but it always knows where it's going and gets there in the end." So take heart that your body knows where it is going, it can just be off track some of the time :)
vix89 wrote:
I posted this quote on another thread and it seems to help. It is from Paul McKenna's weight loss book and it goes something like: "When a plane is flying from one destination to another it can be off course for up to 90% of the time, but it always knows where it's going and gets there in the end." So take heart that your body knows where it is going, it can just be off track some of the time :)

Timbermiss sorry this is off topic but OMG YOUR LOUBOUTINS! Well jel! Are they comfy? I'd love a pair of Loubies!
imcountingufoz wrote: Timbermiss sorry this is off topic but OMG YOUR LOUBOUTINS! Well jel! Are they comfy? I'd love a pair of Loubies!

Hi imcountingufoz sorry not been on forum for a while,

yeah I love them, they are quite high, gotta be in the mood for wearing them but I longed for a pair for years xxx
Nice shoes :)

On topic: I also had some weird ups and downs at the beginning, have a look at my progress chart! Like you, I was already in the healthy range when I started but I wanted to lose 3kg as I am small-boned and accumulate weight in my stomach (skinny legs, fat tummy... think chicken in a barrel!)

Don't give up, it will go down again.

And yes, use the True Weight app, it's great.
I was getting quite frustrated with my weight seeming to hover between 64-65kg, even though it had only been a few weeks (need to learn to be more patient!).

But stepped on the scales yesterday and a kilo had suddenly fallen off! Couldn't believe it because I had had a bit of a two week break from 5.2 due to being so busy with uni work. So it does get there, but I think we tend to plateau more frequently as the body is desperately clinging onto the last bit of internal fat.

How has everyone been getting on lately?
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