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Not losing weight?

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I think I made a decision...
18 May 2013, 17:17
Hiya peeps!

Tomorrow is my birthday and 2 months since I started 5:2. I was hoping that by tomorrow I would be on maintenance but, alas, I'm stuck on a horrible plateau. :confused:

I was looking at my diet diary today and I realised that from the 3,5 kilos I lost, the 3 were on the first 2 weeks and since then I'm just losing and gaining the same 1-1,5 kilo. I did take a week's (6 days, to be precise) break when I did no fasting during which I gained no weight which was good and I'm grateful for that. :oops:

Anyway, the common thing between my first two weeks and the week of no fasting was one: I wasn't calorie counting AT ALL. During the first two weeks I thought that my TDEE was 1700+ calories and I almost never exceed that and during the week of no fasting I was just eating whatever was in front of me because I was stressed, sad and very angry. :frown:

All the weeks in between, I was sticking to my TDEE or doing 4:3 or worrying about exceeding it or all the above. So, I'm thinking, since that didn't work, perhaps I should just do what I did in the beginning. 5:2 with sensible eating on 5 and under 500 calories on 2, without too much thinking.

I am starting on Monday, with two days of Dukan's attack phase and then a fast on Wednesday and Friday.

Wish me luck (or tell me that I'm crazy for doing that, whatever suits you better, LOL)!!! :clover: :clover: :clover:
Oh - we wish you all the luck in the world TML - will watch with baited breath for an update ! x :clover: :clover: :clover:
Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Yes you have definitely made the right decision. Don't STRESS about it so much as stress causes weight gain and causes the body to hold onto weight. Good luck - you will do great !!!!!
What's a Dukan attack phase? Maybe you do need to relax a bit and see what happens, it's easy to get to caught up in it all and make things too complicated. Sometimes my biggest weight loss comes after over eating (no idea why)! Good luck with next week!
I think you're making a great choice. It will work it's way out!

I try to look at the positives: when I plateau, it is at a lower level than I started, I am not gaining as I did in the past, and I do not feel deprived. I CAN do this. Life is very good!
TML, I think you're crazy..(but in a good way :lol: ) Good luck for your Dukan Attack and many happy returns for tomorrow! :like:
Happy birthday for tomorrow :) and I look forward to hearing that your new plan is working out for you.
Thank you all, VERY much!!!

So, we've established that I'm crazy but then we knew that already, heeee heeeee!!!

Mariposa, it's the first phase of the Dukan diet. According to the website (which I visited in order to check what my "real" weight is) I only have to follow it for 2 days during which I would lose 0,77kg. I got rather curious, like, more curious than my kitty gets and I really want to try it, LOL! You eat just protein but it doesn't have to be steak or chicken but it can be low fat cheese, low fat turkey ham, surimi, egg whites...

BTW, I just realised that there is a mistake in the title of my topic. I guess I'm too excited with the pizza that is arriving shortly... ;-)
I never noticed the mistake, guess I just read what I expected to see!

I decided the same as you earlier this week after a look back at my food diaries so if you are bonkers then you have company! I'm doing 5:2 with a mini fast midweek (either 600cals or a 16/8 depending on mood). I shall have the weekend to enjoy the odd treat. I'm sure that getting zll of a tizzy about it is counterproductive. Maybe its the stress hormones that make us keep a grip on the fat but either way, I have decided that I have enough worries without counting my food intake.

I did cook my usual sized meal this evening and have just scraped half into the bin because I'm stuffed! We can compare notes in a month and see if the plan worked!
Oh I think I'm going to try the Duncan attack, going to do normal 5-2 for the next 2 weeks as birthdays ect then I'll try the Duncan attack and 5-2 and if it shifts some blubber I'll do it again before my holidays in July, thanks for sharing, i've not heard of it before, let me know how you get on.
Weirdly I found I lost more on haeavy eating non fast days, so good luck and happy birthday
I suffer with water retention and if anything I think the DA will get rid of all fluid that my body loves to store, looking forward to your update
Happy birthday in advance! :)
I hope the stress free eating works out for you :clover:
Let us know!
Happy Birthday and good luck. I too seem to be fluctuating the last few weeks but this is the first time with any weight loss plan that I haven't stressed. Its amazing. I think ",oh well I'm in this for life so it will go eventually" I do feel better and I do look forward to fast days.
Good luck with whatever you try! :clover:

And Happy Birthday! Have a great weekend. :smile:
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