Basically my first week of fasting I followed my fast days very well, had a few naughty moments of the feast days but all was going well. Overall I started at 162.6 lbs and 34.4% body fat. I weighed myself on Saturday morning after fasting on Tuesday and Thursday and I was at 160.4 and 34.2% body fat.
This morning, I stepped on the scales and I was at 163 lbs and 35% body fat! Saturday and Sunday weren't too indulgent at all so I don't understand.
I know my first week is a little early to tell and many people note not losing weight, but loosing inches. I, however, am not losing either and seeing my fat % go up was so, so disheartening.
I had attempted the 5:2 last year and I only last 1 week but I did lose 2 lbs, which I kept off for months, so I am not sure where I am going wrong this time.
Does anyone have any advice? Is this normal? Should I ignore the scales for a while? Or do I need to restrict my feast days?