The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I went to uni in Sheffield and the smell of the Wheatsheaf brewery hung over the city regularly and was revolting. Still love a nice pint though. :wink:
I love olives, green ones, black one stuffed ones, yum.

You do know what they say about girls who like olives don't you??????
Pickles? Did I hear someone say pickles @Debs and @Izzy :shock: :starving: :wink:
Minsmum wrote: I love olives, green ones, black one stuffed ones, yum.

You do know what they say about girls who like olives don't you??????

No i am agog now
What do they say :bugeyes:
Hahahaha oh I don't think I could say!!

I'll PM you!
Hehe! Thanks for the info Min!
Adds a whole new dimension to the original question! :0))
I bet yr inbox gets inundated now
You sure live and learn on this site! X ;)
I have 101 interesting facts stored in my little brain.

Most of them .... Shall we say enlightening! ;)
I look forward to some more interesting tidbits of info! X
Urgh! Spawn of the devil!
brown ones
green ones
black ones
wrinkly little black salted ones
Mainly buy kalamata whole and pitted but large green make their way in, are amazing if you can get your hands on freshly prepared large green ones homemade
Have even made my own from just picked to doing brine bath for 15 days etc

Liked the recipe on this post will do same thanks BB and garlic just roasting some now for soup recipe as fasting today and prepping with mushroom and spinach and baked garlic cloves
Olives with the pits still in them are excellent with a stout wrist-rocket. A resoundingly loud whack followed immediately by a juicy splat.

Isn't it amazing too how they get pimentos to grow inside the green ones instead of a pit?
Large green olives in a Bloody Mary ... best early morning when in Las Vegas! :grin: It's like having breakfast ;)
I LOVE olives. They are a staple in our household these days. Good for anyone doing low carb. I particularly like some large green olives I can get from the deli section of my local supermarket. They're often stuffed with feta or blue cheese. In fact, I've got some in the fridge and I'll ration myself to one or two of these for lunch. Was dreaming about them last night (fasting day yesterday) so rewarding myself today. As others have commented, try and buy them fresh from a deli in oil rather than in brine. However, when I'm desperate I'll put some bottled black olives (in brine) in a salad or in something I'm cooking.
I couldn't pass by this post one more time without chiming in.

What do we think about olives? We love olives. Having read the previous posts, I am now craving olives but since it's a fasting day, I'll have to wait. ;)
Olive lovers will like this. Olive haters might be violently ill at this point, but then again, it might be a way to try them!

Olive Tapenade
250g black olives pitted
1 crushed garlic clove
Juice of a lemon (put the zest in too if you like it lemony)
3 tbspn capers
5 anchovy fillets but if you can't stand 'em replace with half a tin of drained tuna
bunch of fresh parsley
salt, pepper and around 3 tbspn olive oil

Bung in food processor and blend away, adding more oil if you need and adjust seasonings until you like it (I normally end up putting in more capers). Blend to consistency you like. I prefer mine fairly rough.

Nice as a salsa with fish, chicken or on the top of a crostini (favorite) :like:
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