The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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Here is a link to a great lecture describing the metabolic processes that the body uses to supply fuel both during fasting and in the fed state. Great reading and helps to understand how all the different processes are integrated together. ... ration.pdf

Warning: contains biochemistry! (It is at around A-level/university biology level I would guess...I certainly remember doing this stuff during my degree anyway)
Thanks so much Carorees - will read later. Hope I can understand (I'm not a science person) as this is something I'm very interested in.
Thanks. I think I understood most of it. Interesting how different parts of the body use different 'fuels'.
Thank you for the overview. It's just amazing how 'clever' the body really is.
Thanks Caro...look forward to reading it tonight x
For an introduction to human metabolism, see the new science of fasting pages:
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