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Well I weighed over the last 7 days, and the Libra trend is 139.1, which is a very slight gain since this time last month.

I missed one fast over this period, so that seems about right. I'll be at a conference with a lot of buffet food this next week which will probably set me back for this month, too. And then there is Thanksgiving, with both my kids coming for the first time in a decade.

So this period is starting to look like maintaining will be an accomplishment.
No 17 here with my end of week 3 update
Weight: on 20/10/14 121 lbs, 2 lbs down, back on target.
Wheat free: I have been an obnoxious goody two shoes this week - no wheat, no grains, no sugar that wasn't in berries and Apple. It helps that I have found easy recipes I like for low,carb pizza "dough" and pastry. My efforts look primitive, plenty of room for improvement, but oddly enough my OH likes them. Good thing, because I've got him on carb reduction too!
I can't log in at work (no idea why, site isn't banned, but I can't log in) and internet access sketchy here. So my updates are thin on the ground!

I'm down from 10stone4 ish to 9stone12ish, so that's good. I've plateaued slightly 9'12 but hoping to get it going this week.

Last week I only managed one fast day, bit of a week of comfort eating. Determined to be back on it properly this week!

8 / 9 weeks to drop 6 pounds so should be achievable, hopefully I've picked an attainable goal

love reading everyone's updates even when I cant post!
:cry: Not good but here goes - Weigh in today 89 kg. Only managed half a fast on Monday and yesterday 16:8. Time to pull my socks up!
#67. Well not going so great. Easily doing my 2 day fasts, eating porridge in the morning and then nothing else all day except drinks. So no problem there but in the past 2 weeks my weight loss is 0 :cry: . I guess must take a serious look at what is going on the rest of the week. So total weight loss so far still 1lb.
Meg's mom wrote: #67. Well not going so great. Easily doing my 2 day fasts, eating porridge in the morning and then nothing else all day except drinks. So no problem there but in the past 2 weeks my weight loss is 0 :cry: . I guess must take a serious look at what is going on the rest of the week. So total weight loss so far still 1lb.

I hear ya, I've been coasting along like that for months, actually all this year. Slight ups and downs, no decent losses.
It's all down to overall calories on feed days IMO. 5:2 worked for me at first, then I reached an equilibrium where even doing two fasts a week I'm maintain long term so I must need to increase fasts or reduce cals on feed days, I really didn't want to admit that, let alone do it TBH. I've previously toyed with 4:3 to help with this but subconsciously I was using 4:3 as an excuse to eat what I liked on feed days and it was always carbs. Over the last week or two, since the Christmas challenge, I've been doing 4:3 or even a bit of ADF with a watchful eye on what I'm eating on feed days and the scales now seem to be moving in the right direction again (I saw a new low this morning but not declaring it on here yet as my weekly weigh in will be next Monday)

Anyway sorry for going all me me me but I'm sure you'll get there x
Number 95 checking in here - managed to shave off another pound this week. Slow going but scales gradually going down. Good as I am still using weights and building muscle at the gym. And the most exciting thing this week was I managed to get the skinny jeans I lived in last winter back on again, enough to leave the house in! They had been looking a bit too much like sausage skins!!
It's all down to overall calories on feed days IMO. 5:2 worked for me at first, then I reached an equilibrium where even doing two fasts a week I'm maintain long term so I must need to increase fasts or reduce cals on feed days, I really didn't want to admit that, let alone do it TBH. I've previously toyed with 4:3 to help with this but subconsciously I was using 4:3 as an excuse to eat what I liked on feed days and it was always carbs. Over the last week or two, since the Christmas challenge, I've been doing 4:3 or even a bit of ADF with a watchful eye on what I'm eating on feed days and the scales now seem to be moving in the right direction again (I saw a new low this morning but not declaring it on here yet as my weekly weigh in will be next Monday)

Glad you are now seeing movement :victory: ! I don't think I could fit 4:3 into my life but I think you are right I need to be more careful about my non-fasting days with portion sizes and get myself moving which has been hit and miss...
Hi:-) We(me and my daughter are on our week 4. Hpoe tihos counts for Christmas Challenge. Loosing wight and cm:-) Hurra!
Meg's mom wrote: #67. Well not going so great. Easily doing my 2 day fasts, eating porridge in the morning and then nothing else all day except drinks. So no problem there but in the past 2 weeks my weight loss is 0 :cry: . I guess must take a serious look at what is going on the rest of the week. So total weight loss so far still 1lb.

@Meg's mom - could you try having something less carby on fast days and maybe having that meal in the evening rather than the morning - might just be the change your body needs? Just an idea!

:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
blondie1002 wrote: Hi:-) We(me and my daughter are on our week 4. Hpoe tihos counts for Christmas Challenge. Loosing wight and cm:-) Hurra!

@Juliana.Rivers I believe we may have some newbies here.
@Meg's mom - could you try having something less carby on fast days and maybe having that meal in the evening rather than the morning - might just be the change your body needs? Just an idea!

Madcatlady - Actually that may be worth a try - thank you. I did do 5:2 in 2013 and lost just under a stone, but I was then eating my porridge for evening meal. I switched because I now work mornings instead of late afternoon. I thought perhaps it would be best to eat before I went to work but actually now I am sort of used to going without food I will try switching back and see how it goes. I will also look into some less carby, but equally quick vegetarian things for dinner :grin: .
#106 update: 66.1kg, down 0.7 since last report and 1.9 from the start.
blondie1002 wrote: Hi:-) We(me and my daughter are on our week 4. Hpoe tihos counts for Christmas Challenge. Loosing wight and cm:-) Hurra!

Sorry ladies.. i missed your post. Thanks to @carieoates, I found it and have now made you Member 111.. I know there are two of you but will count you as one. Let us know your goals for the chanllenge, and your method @blondie1002
Doing the usual up and down on the scale:

start 145,
end of week 2 down to 143, back up up to 147, back down to 145, yesterday, October 22nd, at 142 lbs.

None of those weights are immediately following a fast day. I never count post fast weight :)

but generally seems to be moving down, exercise is doing very well, lots of running, still eating too much sugar on non-fast days.
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