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Start of week 4 weigh-in

Weight: 54.1kg (averaged over past 7 days)
Total weight loss so far: 2.6kg (though as noted before, a lot of that was water - estimate may now have lost about 1kg of fat :) :) )

Food consumption strategy remains the same. And although I had one day when away in the caravan when I ate twice my TDEE, the rest of the weekend I was able to compensate, as well as doing extra exercise, so no net gain. :)
No HIT at the moment tho - have aggravated my ACL replaced knee and think I need to give the intensive cycling a miss til I have seen the physio.
Member 37

Good morning to all. Quite please with myself this week. :lol:

weight today 114.8kg
loss 1.1kg down from last week

Hope to just keep going. I had known that last weeks result wasn't quite right as I had next to no sleep that week and had needed a lot of painkillers, well this week I managed to get more sleep which obviously helped a lot. :like:
Hello,,.... #48 here with end of week 3 update :)

Wow, its so great reading the losses that people are achieving and even those that are not seeing what they would like on the scales are still 'checking in' and still trying!!

I'm pleased to see that I had another 2.2lbs (1kg) loss this week :) this is THE MOST consistent weight loss I've had in all my dieting in a LONG time AND, I'm still eating lots of the foods I enjoy and not feeling deprived at all!

I'm ahead of schedule on my tracker too WHICH I LOVE!! this is probably THE most motivating thing for me right now :)
I'm just under an average of 2lbs a week, so, still hoping to get to my 24lbs to lose target OR HALF WAY to a more modest 12lb loss ;)
:worship: :crossed: hope it just continues!
JB x
Hi #10 checking in

I'm down to 14st 8 today so that's 4lb since last week (and the week before!)

Very pleased with that. Giving blood yesterday may have helped but hoping to not see a gain!

Off I go - clippety clop @CandiceMarie

:like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
4lb in a week is good going@madcatlady!
Youre clip clopping along very nicely indeed ! :like:
Member #102

Down another 0.8kg, putting me at 125.5kg with a total loss of 3.5kgs :)
Way to go @Panda_Po! Sorry - just had to say that because it rhymes!

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
NO: 70 here. Another 1 lb off this week. :)
Morning all, number 80 checking in. Scales hovered tantalisingly between 11.2.8 and 11.3, so as I'd just had a cup of tea I'm putting it down as 11.2.9! Which is point three of a pound down from last week - every little counts at this stage!
:razz: :grin:
Had a really bad week this week and put on 1.5 lb. Never mind next week will be better.
Hi No 29 checking in. Hurray, a cheeky one pound loss that brings me 0.6 lb from goal. :wink: I have a dinner this evening and birthday lunch celebration tomorrow so I'm going choose wisely and still enjoy myself.
Yes, @Brand-ie next week will be better :clover:
No 23 checking in. I was AWOL last week as our son, DIL and gorgeous grandson visited from US. We had a lovely time and I enjoyed everything that was on offer including lots of carbs which I usually avoid. I put on 5 lbs!! but am one down today, which means (hangs head in shame) I am one up on the start weight for the challenge.
I must knuckle down now and lose this weight as we travel over to see them in less than 8 weeks.
thanks for the updates everyone.. i have updated post 1 with the results thus far. congrats to those that saw some great results and keep goiong for those who might be going slower or even backwards. still 8-9 weeks to go before Santa comes down chimney.
Number #108 checking in!
My weigh in for this week is 65.0 kgs.
I had a huge drop of 2.6kgs, but I think it was because my first weigh in was during my period, but still I think I actually dropped at least 1kg. :D yay
My additional challenge would be to stop eating cookies on non-fast days and eat fruit instead.
Thank you, have a nice weekend!
Hi, number 46 checking in, 176lbs this week 1lbs down after a very stressful week
I am very pleased with that :grin:
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