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Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 22:15
If you feel more comfy as pist1958, why not revert to that profile,if it gives you a feeling of continuity?
Or,as they say," call me anything, but don't call me late for dinner!" :lol: xx
Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 22:17
:lol: ..
Okay maybe you are right CandiceMarie :wink: ..
Maybe a good idea for me to go back to my former profile :like:
Re: Who's missing????
01 Jan 2015, 22:28
Okay back as "pist1958" instead of my new log in as famse 2013.
So here I am.
Back after beeing here from February 2013 - June 2014.
I am Pia, from Denmark and 56 years young :wink: . I have been on 5:2 ( mostly 4:3 the first 9 months) and in the periode above I did loose about 32 kilo from 101-69 kilo. But unfortunately I gained a little :oops: till 76 so before it is back to start it is time for me to put the breaks and start again. :like:
I am happy to join in again and am looking forward to read all the threads .
Thanks :smile:
Re: Who's missing????
02 Jan 2015, 19:09
Good to see you back Pia.
Another member we haven't seen for a long time who I miss is @amberenchanted we did so well together at the beginning. Hi Amber if you're out there x
Re: Who's missing????
02 Jan 2015, 20:04
Hi all
Is this where lost sheep need to gather to return to the fold?
I found this forum a great support from Sept 2012 (sorry, I think I joined the forum in Feb 2013 but started trying to lose using a similar method before then) when I weighed 88kg (BMI of 32.65) to a year later when I'd reached 56kg (BMI 20.57) and a maintenance point. It looks like I was posting my weight until January 2014 when I was 55kg the lightest I'd been for many years.
Unfortunately I have "relaxed" a bit too much and so my weight has crept up to 69.6kg (ARGH!) but BMI of 25.56 so still better than in 2012 (and in 2012 I would have been delighted to be 69kg). I'm determined to get back on track this year.
Hope I am not putting off any new starters - I'm still in a better place than in 2012 and healthy so this is a good way to lose weight and maintain. But you do need to stick with it.
Re: Who's missing????
02 Jan 2015, 20:21
Welcome back to the flock Rachel. You know what to do. Good luck :smile:
Re: Who's missing????
02 Jan 2015, 20:49
Thanks @Wendy Darling :smile:
Re: Who's missing????
02 Jan 2015, 21:48
Welcome back @RacheLT7 - here is a new year thread for our new year...
Re: Who's missing????
02 Jan 2015, 22:37
Thanks WendyDarling.
Lizbean - I will have a look, thank you :like:

Re: Who's missing????
03 Jan 2015, 18:11
Wendy Darling wrote: Good to see you back Pia.
Another member we haven't seen for a long time who I miss is @amberenchanted we did so well together at the beginning. Hi Amber if you're out there x

Hi Wendy. See you are still here doing great. I haven't visited for a while but still do 5:2 from time to time when my belly starts poking over my jeans :) thanks for the mention. You were a big support when I started out on this and brilliant as a weigh in birdie. Happy New year. Shelley xx
Re: Who's missing????
03 Jan 2015, 18:38
Happy New year and welcome back @RachelT7 x
@amberenchanted what a lovely name! x
Re: Who's missing????
03 Jan 2015, 18:47
haha wendydarling. weigh in buddie (flipping predictive text) using my kindle for that post.

hello all. such a friendly bunch :)

Im finding the new site harder to work my way round. sure I will get to grip with it the more I look. anyone else finding it difficult to navigate?? xx
Re: Who's missing????
04 Jan 2015, 20:20
Do we know what happened to @suchard007. She did really well for ages and then seems to have disappeared! There have been a couple of periods when I haven't been on the forum much, so I may have missed the chat about her absence. I'm not sure if I have the numbers after her name correct, so please let me know if they're wrong.

Happy New Year to all our 'returners', the 'newbies' and those of us who have been here forever! Onwards and downwards! :victory:
Re: Who's missing????
04 Jan 2015, 20:22
Yes i miss Suchard @StowgateResident i know she moved house and said she wdnt be online much..that was a good while ago now..x where are you@Suchard007 pop in and tell us how you're doing x
Re: Who's missing????
04 Jan 2015, 20:41
Yes, I remember Suchard.

Shelley, yes, the forum has evolved into an entire website! Just click on the forum button at the top, it will all look a lot more familiar. It would be so lovely to hear from you when you get time. There's a chatterbox thread. Chatterbox Dilbert currently, where you can pop in and chat about anything that takes your fancy. We have erected some tents in a glamping ground for all different interests. One of them is a fashionista tent where we go to get fashion advice and second opinions! The forum has really grown since we joined, there is something for everyone x
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