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FITBIT chat for May
01 May 2015, 17:41
I'll kick things off this month.
Not the most glorious day for me but I made my 10,000 steps.
And we're off.........
Re: FITBIT chat for May
01 May 2015, 17:58
1st May

Thanks SianS. I completely forgot it was 1st of the month, at least I'm on the first page for all three ratings lol
Re: FITBIT chat for May
01 May 2015, 18:54
@carieoates I'd have added a "pinch and a punch" to remind you but it was after 12.00 so I didn't :smile:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
01 May 2015, 19:33
I'm on the first page for now, but tomorrow is my 'mega-plant-out-all the plants-Ive-grown-from-seed' day. So I'll be active but my Fitbit probably won't notice.
Re: FITBIT chat for May
02 May 2015, 17:09
I'm not a very mathematical person, but I can't understand why on the leader board I'm shown as having 114 active minutes which equates to an average of 16 mins, it's the 2nd of May, 2 days into the month, so my simple brain says it should be 57mins. Grrrr :shock:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
02 May 2015, 17:19
Wooo Hooo
I don't believe it. This is seriously great for me. And with my half marathon training I may just stay a wee while.
Re: FITBIT chat for May
03 May 2015, 13:06
Poor start for me. The last few weeks have been busy. All work and no play. The most steps I'm getting in is walking between the hotel and the office. Was hoping to get out today for a long, long walk, but it is pouring it down here. Must pick it up!
Re: FITBIT chat for May
03 May 2015, 17:12
Hi @Rawkareni am back with a vengeance, how are things with hubs? Mine is at the Renal clinic this week to find out what his fate is, even my beloved Tarot cards can't help me with that one, what will be.....etc.
I have purloined a Mi Band because I am too tight to pay for a fully funded and extortionate Fit Bit but you know what, for the extravagant outlay of £14.95 with free delivery I have a little gizmo that I am now in love with. It tells me all sorts of things which I have no normal desire to know, it wakes we up when I just want a lie in, it tells me that my legs are working in a normal human fashion and it tells me that some corporate banking/insurance loser is calling me on my mobile phone. How good is that? Actually, I think it is quite swell, I am now up early, walking like a zombie when I would normally be slumbering and as a result of tiredness I can be rude to the aforementioned banking/insurance loser without a shred of guilt, what a win win situation.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
03 May 2015, 17:57
Ballerina wrote: Hi @Rawkareni am back with a vengeance, how are things with hubs? Mine is at the Renal clinic this week to find out what his fate is, even my beloved Tarot cards can't help me with that one, what will be.....etc.
I have purloined a Mi Band because I am too tight to pay for a fully funded and extortionate Fit Bit but you know what, for the extravagant outlay of £14.95 with free delivery I have a little gizmo that I am now in love with. It tells me all sorts of things which I have no normal desire to know, it wakes we up when I just want a lie in, it tells me that my legs are working in a normal human fashion and it tells me that some corporate banking/insurance loser is calling me on my mobile phone. How good is that? Actually, I think it is quite swell, I am now up early, walking like a zombie when I would normally be slumbering and as a result of tiredness I can be rude to the aforementioned banking/insurance loser without a shred of guilt, what a win win situation.

Ballerina x :heart:

@ballerina. Sounds like you have the walking bug. Well done! Hope your OH's prognosis is as good as you hope for. I will be thinking of you. My OH is doing very well. He has his own gizmo too now (Fitbit Surge) so faithfully doing his steps and trying to increase his fitness. Could do with a Tarot reading Bal - thinking of coming back to Blighty in a few months time but I don't know what to do. Hopefully a lottery win, but somehow I don't think so! Look forward to hearing about your step count! :heart: :clover: :heart:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
04 May 2015, 17:32
@Ballerina your MiBand sounds excellent, I mentioned it to OH, who has just ordered me a Fitbit Charge HR for my birthday, his response was muted :oops:
I've had a good couple of days for walking, yesterday was the first Sunday of the month so we met up with the pub Ramblers group for a bluebell walk. Unfortunately the weather wasn't kind and there were only 4 of us, but I'm sure the persistant rain was good for my complexion.
Today we walked for 5 and a bit miles, via the bluebells again, and I then mowed the lawn.
I'm very happy to be 2nd for Steps and Miles and 3rd for Active Minutes :grin:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
04 May 2015, 17:56
Nothing more fun than @Ballerina with a vengeance.

I could really use a vengeance - will you send one my way?
Re: FITBIT chat for May
04 May 2015, 18:23
Hi@SianS I am getting on very well, thanks. Today I have managed, so far, 21,000 steps so I am doing very well. Yesterday I was just over my designated 10,000 but I have hit my target everyday so no problems there. I do a lot of walking anyway and just thought it would be nice to have an accurate picture rather than high hopes. I do feel that for the money, this little gadget is wonderful, it does everything I wanted and more, I only wanted steps and sleep so I'm obviously quids in with the calories burned, miles travelled, daily, weekly, monthly and annual averages etc, one happy bunny here.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
04 May 2015, 18:25
wendyjane wrote: Nothing more fun than @Ballerina with a vengeance.

I could really use a vengeance - will you send one my way?

Consider it done, I do a really, really good vengeance, it is on its way lol

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: FITBIT chat for May
05 May 2015, 11:14
My Charge HR has arrived! much as I love my One it will be nice not to have it sticking into my breast (sorry if that's TMI). I'm now sitting, impatiently waiting for it to charge ........
Re: FITBIT chat for May
05 May 2015, 17:36
Ooh how exciting @SianS, would love to compare stats.
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