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Hope you have a fabulous time together, hugs all round from me to you :0)
And photos, ladies?
And yes to a meetup, @jayegirl @candicemarie
Debs Victoria sandwich
Fortnums pic

So here are and pics. More to follow maybe.
Had a super time, loads of chit chat.
I know our @Debs has come all the way from Australia, but what a shame she's all 'down under' in the photo! And Wendy Darling and Sian!
Thanks Caro! Mouthwatering goodies mmmmmm!
Lovely to see you all..some are such familiar faces to me now,tho i think Merlin is the only one ive met from this line up ( hi @merlin! XX
I bet you all had a ball! X
@PennyForthem we're all the right way up if you click on the photo. Some sort of magic I assume.
What lovely pictures. It looks like you had such an amazing time. Real milestone for FastDay :heart:
Maybe we should try for another Liverpool meet!
Oh thanks @sianS thats much better the right way round!
Lovely pix..but i want to know what the guy behind @debs is doing...
Looks like he's carefully inspecting a coat hanger :lol:
@merlin..i know @jayegirl and @pennyforthem are up for a meeting
( doesnt have to be Lpool tho) ..i' m unlikely to join any gatherings at the moment..I' m avoiding crowds and noisy places..just makes me feel much worse healthwise,so i' m taking a rain check on meetings til my stamina improves. Living vicariously in the meantime thru you lot and yr photos xx
Ladies, what a lovely afternoon tea/lunch and what a shame we couldn't have stayed longer to properly gasbag the afternoon away!
Lovely to meet WarriorPrincess, Lizbean and SianS as well as all the other lovely ladies, and be right royally treated at F&M. This should become a regular as it always amazes me how well everyone gets on even though they have only just met!
Well, What a day! Thank you for organising it Liz. It was great to see everyone and meet those who I haven't met before. Amazing that we all got on so well and chatted non stop, as though we had always known each other. In fact....... like a house on fire - or should that be pub? I got home at 8:45 after walking across town chatting with Liz. My legs are aching and I wish my Fitbit that I am currently wearing as a fashion statement only had been charged up!
If I owe anyone any money, please PM me. Thanks x
What a great and eventful time, lovely to meet everyone :wink: @Debs safe journey to you and Ju. You missed cocktails AND evacuating the bar on Trafalgar Square for a real time fire and the brigade, which @Carieoates may have on record :wink:
@Wendy Darling our walk along the Thames and past old haunts - placed 14,200 steps in my day. I'm pleased to hear you are home and safe. I'm soaking my hot soles in cool water, as I don't often wear those shoes. When we parted at Bank I watched the disaster recovery exercise in front of the Bank of England, fast cars and lots of instructions to the public, me - I wondered if I had to fall to the ground! Not this time round! Amazing to think we possibly worked within 500 yards of each other in the mid 80's! :smile:
Good luck to those with interviews/new employment opportunities ...... and decisions to make that suit you. I'll be back with a few photos @Carorees@SianS @Merlin hope you are home and tucked up.
@WarriorPrincess see you sometime soon, my local London friend .... good luck Monday!
Browsing the Italian chocolate counter - my it looked interesting@Silverdarling
Looks like I have a few pics to add here,
So whilst we were in the basement of a pub on trafalger square I noticed a funny smell. No sooner had I said "can anyone smell burning?" Did the fire alarms sound.
We were safely evacuated and whilst many were looking on I was snapping away at the fire fighters . I do have a soft spot for uniformed well toned men........
So tomorrow I will add them here,
We all got out safe and well......
I'm hanging on to these beauties for myself for a few hours more (actually waiting for my phone to sync pics to my iPad really)

You'll have to wait :oops:
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