The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Bean is Back...
02 Nov 2016, 08:42
Hey buddies!! I'm back!! I just wanted to post this because I've spent SO long trying to get on here that I thought I'd never be able to return! Anyway, here I am.

How are you all getting on? How many of you are taking up Julianna's new Christmas challenge? Sounds great doesn't it? I'm definitely up for it.

I've bean really naughty since returning from 4-weeks with my sister and family in Canada. She is such a healthy eater that I only put 4 pounds on during that time. She does tend to eat a lot of carbs which I had cut out before my trip. Anyway, as soon as I returned I started binge eating and eating stupid things like lots of chocolates. Why do we do this to ourselves? Its crazy isn't it! And so annoying. Anyway, today I am back on track and I am DETERMINED to get back to 9 stone something by Christmas and then as near to my dream target of 9 stone by the time I reach my birthday in February!

I'm just so glad to be back here. I know you lot are such a great support to me. Nutty? @Hazlenut20? My BSD guru - where are you? Are you ok?

Hope you're all doing well. I've missed you!

Bean :heart:
Re: Bean is Back...
02 Nov 2016, 11:50
Beanie@nursebean, welcome back!!! It is so good to "see"you! Sounds like you had a great visit with your sister, and to only gain four lbs. is an accomplishment! Now you are all ready to get back to business. You will make that goal, I am sure.
Welcome back, can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Hugs, Phyl
Re: Bean is Back...
02 Nov 2016, 23:23
Hi Beany @nursebean great to have you back and to see youre in the saddle again clippety clop! Youwillsoon lose that weight you put on while away..and the eating on yr return?wellthatwas jsut coz you thought you were still on yr hols!
Yes will join JRs xmas thing but need to check with Nutty @Hazelnut20when the Accountabuddies challenge finishes? Have lost 12 lbs on it and i am all geared up to lose more by Crimbo
Big hugzzzzz bean and to Phyl @phyllisblackdenney too xx
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