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Following up on this topic:

The following users have been selected to receive a free trial kit from the kind folks at ActiDerm, in a bid to see if their product helps reduce loose skin following weight loss.

  • Ballerina
  • Swedey
  • Mrs Bod
  • brook123lyn
  • JennyH10

Would you all please send me a message with your contact name, address & phone number so I can pass the details on to ActiDerm. Also please confirm that you have watched the video in the above thread so you know what you're doing with the wraps!

Thank you :)

Sorry to those who weren't selected. It wasn't easy having to choose between you but I've tried to select those whose situation seems most suited to using the product - from what I've been told by them and by the manufacturer.
Thank you Moogie, I am really looking forward to trying this product and feel I shall be a good representative of our older, in need of a good ironing, ladies.

I shall recruit my husband, if I can stop him from laughing :grin: :grin: :grin: for long enough, with any incriminating photographic evidence and wrapping me in bandages........sorry, I had to stop there whilst I had a little snigger :lol: myself at the mental image..........clears throat..............and cling film..............sorry, another bout of laughter............. :smile: !

This could put a bit of oomph back into our :wink: lives, well one can hope, goodness me, all this laughter is already benefitting me!

You will all be kept up to date on a regular basis of our progress, hysteria and all round pros and cons and I am secretly hoping for great thins, so, keep tuned. ( I was going to change the typo-thins but decided that it was actually very appropriate!)

Ballerina x
Wrapping you in bandages....ready for a remake of "The Mummy"?? :lol:
Looking forward to hear about your experience ballerina.
I love your post and I can't wait to hear about the benefits this product offers :wink:
good luck to you all.

Ballerina...My imagination is working overtime..blankets & clingfilm.. hope EVERYTHING works out for you and you get what you wish for. :lol:
Chris x
Sorry I hadn't got my specs on bandages not blankets, oh well
Squeeeeee!!!! :-D
Can't wait to try this! Thanks so much Moogie and ActiDerm :-)
I promise to review it in as much detail as I possibly can but I'll also try not to terrify you with "before" pictures ;-)
LOL @ Ballerina I think my OH is going to get a good laugh out of this too! **hides all webcams**
thank you - I am looking forward to trying this out. As the mother of three daughters the trial will be executed with military precision !

my other half is a scientist, so he is determined to make it as scientific as possible :-)
Just waiting on a reply from Swedey so I can contact the chap at ActiDerm. If I don't hear back soon I'll just have to go with the other four of you :(
by MrsBod » 01 May 2013, 11:00

"my other half is a scientist, so he is determined to make it as scientific as possible "

Oh dear, oh dear, guess what? My other half is also a Scientist so this should be interesting! Nuclear Physics is his forte, with trains :sleepy: on the side so I should end up resembling a Nuclear station! :confused:

Ballerina x
As I have not yet heard back from Swedey and really need to get in touch with Actiderm ASAP, I'll be offering that place to cakegroupy instead. Sorry Swedey :(
Ballerina wrote: by MrsBod » 01 May 2013, 11:00

"my other half is a scientist, so he is determined to make it as scientific as possible "

Oh dear, oh dear, guess what? My other half is also a Scientist so this should be interesting! Nuclear Physics is his forte, with trains :sleepy: on the side so I should end up resembling a Nuclear station! :confused:

Ballerina x

Mine is least they are getting involved...
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