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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Blood Pressure Improvement
06 Jun 2013, 13:03
Just had my first check up with my primary care doc since starting 5:2. Happily ! she is reducing my BP med by half since my readings were low. Was taking 20 mg Lisinopril. Readings at this visit were 105/63 and were repeated after 15 mins. And I usually have white coat readings when I compare home readings. I would usually get reading of 130's or 140's over 80-90 at the office always normal at home. Will be having labs done tommorow, should be interesting... BTW, she had no famliarity with 5:2, but I'm in the US where it's not as well known. I'm a believer !!!
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
06 Jun 2013, 13:14
That is wonderful!
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 15:00
Thanks Doey, dont know if it's realistic but hoping to get off BP med completely eventually. I think in 6 months I'll know for sure.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 15:06
Just ordered a home BP tester to test the "white coat" theory - what surprised me about several recent professional readings of 150/90 approx nobody seemed particularly bothered except me, I was expecting 130/85 at worst. Let's see what the home machine makes of it...
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 15:10
I took my Omron device with me to appts a couple of times and the Omron matched the readings of the Dr's. Felt funny doing it but really wanted to know why my reading are always lower at home.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 15:18
Yes, but I don't knowingly feel stressed! I used to have access to a machine at work and am quite used to the cuff etc but I guess stress can hide in the background. Now if the dentist was taking the readings, that would be a different matter!
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 16:35
CreakyPete wrote: Just ordered a home BP tester to test the "white coat" theory - what surprised me about several recent professional readings of 150/90 approx nobody seemed particularly bothered except me, I was expecting 130/85 at worst. Let's see what the home machine makes of it...

I'm another who suffers from "white coat syndrome" BP readings at home have been consistently lower for some time, compared machine @ surgery and it was reading similar, so I often submit home readings and nursey is happy to accept them.
Todays 132/78 is certainly an improvement on the readings in Drs.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 19:50
Great news Brougham. I was thinking of investing in my own machine. I'm always on edge at the docs in case its high and I have to start arguing against changing my medication. Of course the other problem is that docs visits are always accompanied by arguments with hubby! :confused: Now I'm unable to drive myself I have to rely on him popping home to take me and he is always on the very edge of being late! We always end up arguing all the way to the surgey! Not conducive to calm! :frown:
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 21:00
Miffy, if you do invest, get a wrist BP monitor as they don't hurt (I have FM and the upper arm machines hurt so much my BP goes up incredibly). They are not quite so accurate but you can calibrate it at the docs.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 21:35
Thanks Caroline. I used to have a wrist monitor when they first came on the market but it seemed loads lower than the docs. Don't think my docs would be happy to help calibrate it as they seem to take a dim view of self monitoring! Of course they aren't at all consistant as when I was there this morning I got both snidey comnents about monitoring my own BG and then compliments on how well I had managed my problems! Can't win!
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
07 Jun 2013, 22:32
my monitor recorded higher readings than the docs manual sphyg, so she was happy for me to use it. I'm surprised your docs aren't keen on self monitoring, most seem to be.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
09 Jun 2013, 17:26
Well, Amazon excelled themselves - I ordered the Omron M10-IT on Friday, refused to pay extra for 1st class Royal Mail and got it delivered 22 hours later!
Been out on the bike for 20 miles this afternoon, lazed in bath for good while then set the machine up to do an automatic average of 3 readings at 2 minute intervals. Result - 113/65, with a pulse of 64. This is the same person that got approx 150/90 reliably in the doctor's surgeries...
Expected lower than at the docs but not this low - really chuffed, should be able to live forever now!
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
13 Jun 2013, 10:26
Well done CreakyPete !
My style of afternoon, work hard and play hard...
Then enjoy the benefits.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
17 Jul 2013, 18:01
I took a test at home and the readings gave me high readings 170/120. My husband went you call the doctor tomorrow morning and make an appointment. So tomorrow we see what the doctor has to say. I really do not want to be on medication and if I were to cut down on salt it means I wont be eating any and as it is I eat mostly vegetables and exercise several times a week. Unless one can make in laws all disappear my stress is to stay.....hubby was like we dont want you sick and my crazy family will not bother you from now on.

My maternal grandparents both died young due to heart problems. This may be genes fullfilling its job.
Re: Blood Pressure Improvement
17 Jul 2013, 18:20
Don't panic about a home reading - for all you know it's incorrect, and if the worst case is that it is a bit high then it's good that you've been alerted and the doctor is the person to discuss it with. I would be very dubious that the 5.2 woe is responsible as, after all, you're minimizing and restricting food intake twice a week, therefore that must equate to less consumption of salt etc. (I have read on previous posts, by PhilT, that the jury is still out on salt consumption raising bp...). As for the in-laws, you cannot change their behaviour, but you can change the way you react to it. If they're impossible to please, then the best thing to do is to make sure that you please yourself! Then at least one of you is happy! :smile:
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