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MaryAnn, my minigoals are the BMI numbers too. I made sure to celebrate when I got down into the 27s, and now I'm eager to get to the 26s - already halfway there :smile:
First mini goal of 10 stone - done!! :D Absolutely over the moon.

Reset my progress tracker to the next goal weight which was 9st 10, and again - hit!

Next goal weight is 9st 7. I am doing my mini goals in sections of 3lbs, fits in nicely with a stone lost and doesn't seem as daunting as 5lb goals. How is everyone getting on?
I do that. I set my 1st mini goal at 1 stone loss ( my overall aim was for 2 1/2 stone but that may change) That 1st stone took so long I am having 1/2 mini goals now
I have lots and lots of goals.

I think that to have only one is dangerous. What happens if you enver reach it? It doesn't mean you ahve failed. And I think goals should not all be weight based.

My weight ones are 104.9 because I last saw that number in 2010 and only for two days and I would like to see it again (a big psychological goal). 103.4 as that is 10 kilos from my highest ever weight, from obese to overweight according to fat % rather than BMI. Fitting into a size smaller clothes and throwing out half my wardrobe. Feeling comfortable enough to do group classes at the gym, being able to walk 10 kms (7.3 kms is highest so far) etc etc.
@Vix89 that's brilliant! :star:
I have mini goals too. In fact almost the same as you. My main sticking point is my waist measurement - goodness knows where the flab is going from, my jeans are falling off, but my waist is hardly changing. Grr! Maybe I need to do specific exercises :confused: :bugeyes:

I also have a long way to go. Short term weight loss goals are good, but I have decided my goal is weekly - to complete two fast days.

I figure if I do that, I'm good.

Good luck!
My mini goal at the mo is to be 9 stone something by my birthday next month. But TBH I get excited by every new number on the scales!

I'm spending some of the the money I save by fasting on clothes - very motivating
"I also have a long way to go. Short term weight loss goals are good, but I have
decided my goal is weekly - to complete two fast days."

I'm a great believer in mini goals & rewards as I've said in other threads. They have really helped me stay motivated. :like:
Starting at 12st 2 (170lbs)
first goal was to get under 12st then lose 1/2 stone then a stone etc etc
Each time I hit a target I've rewarded myself everything from new DVD to i pad
My i pad has been my main reward- I said if I lost a stone I would get an i pad - good to myself or what - & every time I use it (typing on it right now) I feel good cos I earned it.
My latest target was to get to 10st 7 (147lbs) by my holiday. My holiday is a week away & at weigh in today I was 10st 6 ( 146lbs) :victory: :victory: - new book here I come!
Next target is 10st 2 ( 2 stone lost) then under 10st( 139lbs) or BMI under 25
I have mini goals too. Most of them are to do with what weight I was at certain points in my life. So the first one was to get back to the summer holiday weight of last September. I managed to put on 22lbs between then and February. How is it possible to put that much weight in such a short time?
The second mini goal was the first full stone. The next one is the last remembered lowest weight I have been in 15 years, which is only 2lb away and is also my first 2 stone.
The ones after that are to do with progressing stones of weight and size. So when I have emptied my wardrobe of everything in size 26, then size 24 (happening over the next few weeks) then 20 and 18. Also my shoe size, I know I have gone up a size since getting fat, so being comfy in a shoe size smaller is also another goal.
I think I will bribe my hubby with the ipad idea for when I get to goal. I treat myself to girly stuff like massages and pedicures when I reach some goals.
I wanted to get back to my weight watchers goal of 11.3lb. Am now 11.3.6 so very close. I have been through my wardrobe and am in the process of putting all my "feeling fat and need to cover up" dresses and clothes on eBay. So a shopping trip is coming soon :) I am so pleased to have lost this weight but especially love feeling less wobbly. I am now going to see if I can get back to pre baby weight of 10 stone 10lb as I never felt this was achievable before. I have had 5 children and always bounced back to this weight but didn't quite make it since youngest was born and he's 11 now. Mini goals help. Getting under 11 stone is my next goal, then getting under 11 stone fully clothed will be the one after that :)
When i first started the 5:2 i knew i had to lose a few stone (starting weight was 13.5 stone)so i said to myself i want to get down to 10.5 stone/10 stone. As the weeks went on a lost a lot at the start but kept putting a lb on ever 2lb i lost! So i started setting little goals like 'i want to lose 3lb by a certain date' and it works. I currently want to get down 12.10lb by next friday which i am on 1-2lb away from depending on what i weight tomorrow! Like some of you have said i find these smaller goals make it more achieveable to me and more realistic, but in the back of my mind i know that im still aiming to get down to 10 stone.
When I took the decision to lose weight in February this year, I decided to have mini goals.. First 5 kilos lost, then under 90 kilo, Next BMI under 30, and so 80,0kg which I am now, next will be 75 kilo and so on..... :victory:

For me small steps are easier to cope with than 30 kilo to think about to loose from the start :smile:

And I need "only" 9 kilo more to reach my target.. :smile:

Good luck to everyone :like:

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