The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

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bilkis jam progress report
11 Jan 2013, 18:03
hi, started 5.2 in sept 12 cholestrol gone down, was borderline diabetic, now in normal range :lol: im an asthmatic slight improvement there have lost 4kg in weight...But no difference to bp infact 6 weeks ago my bp med (irbesarten) has been doubled, and this week im monitoring my bp twicce morning and night (i thought i had the white coat syndrome) but clearly not my bp is still hovering around 140-150 over 95-105, and thats with double dose! by the way im 37yr old...really dissapointed with my bp
Oh that is a shame. Dr M said on twitter that there was loads of evidence for fasting benefiting bp! Also even weight loss by other means should result in bp dropping. What kind of percentage drop in body weight is 4kg for you? Other changes looking good though!
well yesterday on purpose didnt take my bp meds and bp was still same!! i dont know what percentage ive lost but im 12 stones and im 4ft 10 so i have some way to go yet. I joined twitter about a while ago, but dont really go on it(cant even remember my password!) but im glad i have found this forum through fb..
Hi bilkis jam
Ok, I calculate that your weight loss represents a 5% loss. The scientific literature suggests that decreases in bp start at around that point, so hopefully, as you lose more the bp will come down. If you have been on irbesartan for a while, missing a dose is unlikely to affect your bp much as it takes quite a while for the drug to leave your system.

Keep us updated with progress!
thanks carorees for your support....hopefully it will come down.... its a fast day today, and im making chicken spring rolls (to freeze)
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