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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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It sounds as though your question is really "do you really need to count calories to be successful on 5:2"? As much as it pains me to say it (I have always hated counting calories with a passion), I'm afraid the answer is "probably, at least at some point". Your friend may see some weight fall off immediately and get giddy (like I did). And then a couple of weeks later the weight loss will stall and some weeks even seem to reverse itself. She will get desperate for answers, blaming it on water, etc, but the cycle of gain/lose the same couple of pounds will become entrenched and if she isn't smart about it she will blame the diet and stop doing it. The answer will be that she is eating too much on feed days, simple as that. Some people on this forum (though the sense I get is it is somewhat of a minority) find a natural easing of the appetite on feed days because of the fasting. I ain't one of them (yet?) and it looks like many of us aren't.

It has taken me months to break the cycle I referred to above and it has only been by diligently entering the food I eat on myfitnesspal for the past week. Sometimes if I am eating something someone else has prepared I don't know exactly what has gone into it and have to make a "best guess" of the closest approximation. And the calorie counts on MFP aren't themselves always accurate. But it's better than nothing. On my feed days I haven't deprived myself of treats, but there is something about knowing you are going to see in black and white everything you have eaten that makes you consider carefully whether you really need it or not. On weekdays I have found it relatively easy to keep under 1700 calories and on weekends I let myself have around 2,000, and since last Wednesday I have lost almost 3 lbs (a lot of which, to be fair, was more likely to be water than fat). But I feel vindicated and motivated to continue some form of calorie counting for now. It isn't as much of a pain as I feared.

Hope your friend gives it a go, and succeeds!
I don't count calories on feed days, at least not strictly. I'm vaguely aware of what's going in and what my current intake should be. Bearing in mind that when I started my TDEE was around the 2000 mark but is now down to just over 1600 I do feel it's important to be aware of it as if I were eating to 2000 still that would be an extra 2000 calories a week (400cals x 5 days), wiping out most of my fast day deficit (around 1100 cals deficit per fast).
I only count calories on fast days, the rest of the time I eat what I want (within reason). I don't think you really need to look at the calories on the other days unless you stop losing weight.

Even on my fast days I have one meal so that the calorie counting is kept to a minimum.

Like many others, I hate calorie counting.
I didn't count calories on feast days and stopped counting them altogether after the first month. I know that I often go way over my TDEE, sometimes for weeks at a time and yet I still managed to lose the average 1 lb a week. I'm very relaxed about this way of eating and guesstimate my fast day food, I wouldn't have got further than two weeks if I had kept counting calories. I'm on 6:1 maintenance now and still eat far too much most days, I would rather go back to 5:2 than worry about calories all the time.
I don't count calories on feed days but am conscious of portion size. If I stop losing then I may start calorie counting but I find that just makes me obsess about food. I would agree with others who say, start with the simple fasting and see how it goes.
Hi coffeebean :heart:
I'm in a similar position as you because my sister is now joining me with this WOL :heart: that really pleases me as she needs to shift some weight no where near the amount I've got to shift :wink:
She's exactly the same not to count at all so have tried to get her a little involved by working her cals for her occasionally.
However I don't calorie count on any day but did + still do checkout a meal now and then. I counted a few fastday meals at the beginning and kept repeating these meals throughout the :: spicy chicken fillet+salad fish and vegetables
I do eat more healthier now than I used to and occasionally fit in a semifast day/16:8 where I go the 24 hrs as a fast then eat+drink whatever I want ( usually Fri night ) knowing I will come in under
my TDEE and I'm sure this has helped me to keep losing so have shared this little trick with my sister because she's doing well but struggling to fit 2 fast days per week into her life (weird ) coz if you want to slim down then you do whatever it takes surely.
Anyway to answer the question for me No
But as I move into more weight loss I will need to lower my calorie intake so that will maybe result in counting then so be it because I will do whatever I need to now to reach my goal :heart: Sue. :heart:
Wow, you guys are just the greatest! I printed out the answers to give to her before I leave on vacation. I'll be back in three weeks and will post again then.

It's heartening to know that a lot of you just don't count calories. What I'm seeing is awareness and portion control a lot from you - not necessarily counting every calorie. Honestly, she won't do this if she has to count on the 5 days. I hate counting calories myself, but she's over the top in not doing that every day. Probably because she did count for years and just hates it.

Hopefully, by the time I return, she will be a member here! Going to a church retreat for a few weeks in the hills. Really need a break right now. I'm just so tired.

Thanks again for all your answers. This is honestly the most helpful forum I have ever been on.
Coffee bean that's brilliant the break will do you good :heart:
My sis does have the exact same phobia on counting.
My weight loss each week is my motivation to keep going and I now know I will reach my goal :heart:
Enjoy your break and enrol her while you're away :clover: Sue :clover:
I have no clue how many calories I eat most days as I don't count really ever. Not really even on fast days, I do have an idea what meals would be and don't cheat. I started my counting on fast days but only to get an idea.

I do eat less possibly every other day too as I know when I'm full now and don't like the feeling, whereas I used to love it.

My bp is much lower now, I started this as it was in the 160/103 region and it's now 130/80 ish area. :cool:
I am sort of with MummyBunny2005 on this one. My issue is drifting. I started out watching calories on more than Fast days, because after keeping things to around 1200 for over a year, I wasn't sure how much to eat on a feast days. Then I drift. I mean, I give myself leeway on the feast days and can't remember what my 1400-1500 looks like, so I hit pause and count calories again just for a little bit. I also noticed I have a definite tendency to overeat sugar. Using FitnessPal I see what my sugar allowance is and what I am actually eating sugar-wise and that in itself made me re-think what I am eating. The more sugar I eat the hungrier I get. I am so jealous of those of you who don't count and can still lose.
I dont count calories on my feed days as it just seems to fall into a routine of eating healthier. I dont know if thats just me and conciously knowing its better for me to eat sensibly than scoffing and undoing the good work Ive done on my fasting days. I started 5:2 ing on 1st April and have put on weight once this was during an illness (chest and throat infection) I didnt doing any fasting for 2 weeks and put on 4lb, Ive had about 4 occassions when Ive stayed the same but the rest of the time Ive lost. Ive not worked out my TDEE.So as a few others have mentioned start with the actual 5:2 as stated in M M s book and adjust it to how it suits you if you need too that is. Good luck to you and your sister send good luck. :-)
It can help to jot down anything naughty you have eaten, Sweets, biscuits, cakes, ice cream or wine etc. Healthy food does not matter but bad stuff can mount up and it is helpful to be able to recognise when you have gone overboard. a lot of these items have the calories on the packets so it isn't too much effort. I wish your sister well this is so very worth doing.
I don't count calories, but I wasn't gaining weight before starting 5:2, just maintaining a large weight! Now my tdee has gone down with the weight loss I am naturally eating and snacking less and if I do overindulge I throw in a half fast/extra fast day to balance things out. It's important to think of 'normal eating' rather than 'feasting' I think!
PennyForthem wrote: Yes, I count calories every day; my blood pressure was high, I've lost weight. Believe in TDEE, get a FITbit and get on myfitnesspal.
It may not be sexy, but it works

I Understand what you're saying but.......
I beg to differ Pennyforthem. What's not sexy about a lady (or gent) improving their health, body and ultimately their mind.
My fitbit however spends many an hour nestled between my boobies, and yes my husband is jealous. :oops:
I don't count calories on non-fast days, sometimes I guesstimate but not real counting. The first week following 5:2 I was concerned that I would overeat, mainly sweets and other unhealthy treats but lately I seem to have naturally adjusted to not wanting a lot of them. I think it is the thought that they are not forbidden that gives me more control over them. And this is the main appeal of this WOE for me, not having to count calories and not having to avoid specific food or food groups, just focus on healthy food and indulge from time to time.
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