The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

19 posts Page 1 of 2
Well - I am pleased to report that I have now lost over 2 stone since starting this WOE last November. I wasn't planning on making an announcement but @Carieoates has berated me for keeping it quiet!

I won't say too much about me as it will be my Fastiversary in a couple of months and if I say too much now I won't have anything left for then!

I began fasting in November '13 having read the article in the Daily Mail Sunday supplement. To start with that was all I had to go on, then I found this forum and the rest, as they say, is history. My weight loss path has not always been smooth - yes, I have fallen off the wagon and not fasted for a couple of months and gained weight but that is behind me now and I have reached a new low.

I still have a way to go but with the support of the wonderful friends I have made here I know I will get there. Thanks to everyone who contributes to the forum - the inspiration keeps me going and I think I speak for most of us when I say that we all benefit from helping each other.

So - even if you are struggling and perhaps not fasting - keep checking in here - the successes and enthusiasm will rub off on you and get you going again when the time is right!

Love and best wishes to all my fasting friends xx
Well done that's an awesome loss. Really impressive :) Won't recognise you when we next manage a meet up :) xx
@Madcatlady why are you not shouting this from the rooftops.

Amazing achievement, well done, be proud and loud and shout look at me everyone x
Fabulous progress madcatlady, inspirational! And agree totally with everyone helping each other along, where ever we are on our journeys.
Onward everyone, always :0)
Congratulations @Madcatlady on losing your first two stones, you should feel very proud of this achievement, yes we both have a way to travel but its no race we will make it this time that's for sure, I know how good that loss feels and more importantly just how you are feeling for having dropped and lost 24lbs forever as my bmi was also over 44 I'm amazed at the shape changing that these loses brings to our bodies, good luck with some more great reports :clover:
Looking forward to your fastiversary report.
:clover: :clover: Sue
@Madcatlady, Congratulations on your initial loss of 2 stones and I wish you smooth running for the remainder of your weight change journey.
Super inspirational, @Madcatlady. Congratulations, cos you're never going to see that any of that weight again - how good is that! :clover:
That is fantastic news! You're such an inspiration to those of us who are slow losers -- well done you!
Well done and congratulations!! That's just fantastic :-)
It's great to celebrate all the milestones along the way - congratulations! And it's great that you were able to get back into fasting after having a break for a couple of months. :) Well done you.

Very best wishes as you continue your journey :D
Well done me old mucker.
So glad you've come out into the limelight. I Only do what comes naturally to me, I love to help others, they may not like what I'm saying but I try to deliver it in a positive way.
This is so inspirational to others and I look forward to seeing that you've had to chuck out all of your clothes. Lol and then we can go shopping. :grin: :heart:

Keep on keeping on :like:

Besr wishes,

Well done, :like: :like: :like: I agree with you when you say it is important to keep coming to the forum even when you fall off the wagon a bit. The enthusiasm here will help you to climb back on. :heart: :clover: :clover:
Congrats on your impressive loss!
Well done @madcatlady! We love celebrate people's milestones, so I'm glad carieoates talked you in to posting about your success. Congratulations!
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