On the first day I felt unwell but continued for the week although by accident rather than design. The second day I felt good but over the week how I felt alternated daily. Then I read about the effect of prolonged fasting where it said that it causes loss of muscle in addition to loss of fat so tried to return to normal eating but found it hard so retreated to fasting again. To attempt a meal five hours after having one, such as lunch and dinner when on this regimen, was too much so abandoned dinner and had an orange instead which felt about right.
During the course of the first week on fasting I felt more energised and was able to accomplish more manual tasks around the house. My weight during this period dropped by 2.5 lbs and my waist-line reduced. My taste buds became more sensitive allowing more enjoyment of food. Remarkably, my blood pressure which more lately has been showing readings of 140/80 had dropped to 110/63 with a pulse rate averaging 75. Until this point I had not exercised nor have I done so for around five years so a sedentary life style.
I read Michael Mosley's book, The Fast Diet, three times in succession and on each reading gained more information from it; points that seemed unimportant initially carried more weighting on further readings. From this present experience and those of the past it has become manifest that fasting seems to be a crucial feature to a healthier and happier life.
It has been an interesting week.